Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing to – 789 points –
Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing

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Lemmy demographic feels like mostly Linux users.

Lemmy posters are on vegan level of promoting Linux, and sith level of hate on Windows.

Join the dark side! We have penguins!

We also have dragons and other things too!

aye, but do you have a way of managing a physical (noy virtual machine) windows computer so it can be used through the linux system without being aware of it?

Like RDP? Or are we talking like, some sort of ssh GUI, where you just wanna access the files on the Windows machine? Most file explorers on Linux do that natively. Or are you talking about compatibility with .exe files? If so, there's Wine and Proton, but those could need some configuration.

Unfortunately, if you're managing one computer from another computer, you're going to be aware of it regardless of which OS you decide to use.

Microsoft always treated linux and foss with such disdain while under Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Their current CEO is an outlier, openly embracing and extending foss and linux. After years of abuses from Gates and Ballmer, many people in the linux community won't be so quick to trust them.

For me, as a vegan Linux user, who really doesn't like the concept of the Jedi sect, this sounds like a compliment.