Reddit protest updates: news on the apps shutting down and Reddit’s fights with mods - The Verge to – 860 points –
Reddit protest updates: news on the apps shutting down and Reddit’s fights with mods

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The worst thing about it is that they could have accomplished all their goals if they didn't shove it on people with a months notice and then Spaz going on a media tour shitting on mods and users

This is what gets me. Christian Selig pointed out in a number of interviews that Reddit could have easily made this work without alienating a huge segment of their user base. I get this vague feeling lately like CEOs are intentionally trying to tank their products, because no one so well paid could actually act so dumb.

Like, I'm nowhere near this stupid. I'll run your company better for half what he's paid

I'm absolutely convinced I could do a better job. He's a fool

Agreed. I just can't figure out the reason(s) they're doing it though.

Borrowing money isn’t cheap any more. The venture capital’s that have been propping up these platforms have decided the risk is now too high, and they’re trying to extract as much of their investment as they can, by any means necessary. I think the venture capitalists see a major recession in or near future, and our battening down the hatches.

Truth is CEOs do dumb shit all the time because most of them are not the "genius" worth all that pay everyone seems to think.

Of course there are many that are worth the pallets of cash they make but it drives all the mid tier to junk CEO compensation up.

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Exactly this. Most people would have caved if they had given a 1yr update period and spez had kept his mouth shut. This move screams of a knee jerk reaction to try bd suddenly raise the profit margins, and spez had no idea how the users would revolt.

I think they really expected the 1 month timeline to blow over too

If they just made third party apps a premium feature, they would have seen a much smaller revolt and a significant increase in the number of premium subscribers. Seems like that would have been the obvious approach.

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