Reminder... to Lefty – 1039 points –

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Assuming you're not voting...

Do you acknowledge that you're voting for a coin toss between a slower descent or a faster descent into fascism? Averaging out to you being in favor of an even faster descent into fascism than the person you replied to?

That's not what not voting is, no

Do you acknowledge that voting for a candidate enacting bad policies is voting for those bad policies

Yes but not voting for that candidate is effectively just like voting for the other even worse guy.

I mean we both know that Biden ain't great, but Trump? Trump is far fuckXng worse! Don't like the genocide ? Biden is wayyyyyy more likely to sign a ceasefire than Trump. Want Trans Rights? Biden doesn't care, Trump wants to remove them. I'd rather have Biden's apathy than Trump's hate.

There is a Contrapoints video abt this :

You know what would force Biden to provide actually decent politics? If people demanded them and withhold their vote otherwise. And you know who would rather want Trump to win, than provide adequate protection of human rights, including Trans rights? Joe Biden, the guy you want to vote for. The DNC and him are laughing their asses off together with the Reps that no matter what, you will keep letting them get away with it.

So you're willing to risk letting Trump win AGAIN just so you can own Biden? Like honey no... watch the video it explains it much better than I do.

The one risking Trump to win again is Biden. And he does so because he doesnt give a fuck about protecting you or anybody else. If you remove yourself from the power of punishing a politician and will always reward him no matter what, you are removing your own democratic power. It is not about "owning" Biden. It is about taking your power and sovereignity, that you are supposed to have in a Democracy. By giving them the blanket check, you are surrendering yourself to them and encourage them to do their worst. And make no mistake. The Dems will start cracking down on LGBT people if they think that to be necessary to gain votes in some states.

The one risking Trump to win again is Biden.

Well what are you going to do about it?! As far as I know there is nothing you could do to change that before November. If you vote for Biden now you get 4 more years where you're free to protest as much as you want, because contrary to Trump, Biden is likely to be receptive to your protests. We are not powerless.

And even if we were, what would happen? You don't vote for Biden -> Trump wins -> the whole country shifts even more into conservative ideologies -> you don't vote democrat again -> same thing but worse.

you are removing your own democratic power

Ok I see your point but not voting is like not even using that power and if you read my previous point you can see how your democratic power will go even lower if you don't do anything.

Now is the time to riot.

There is other parties on the ballot too. Definetely people should be voting, but they shouldnt vote Dems if the Dems continue genocide. Imagine there is 20% Green vote all of a sudden. Then Dems will be scared shitless and know that they have to work to win back those voters because the next election it might be that the "two parties" will be Green and Reps instead.

But better yet apply the pressure now and go demonstrate, talk to your representatives, take union action against the genocide...

The difference between you and many of the people you're arguing with is your confidence that there will be another election after Trump wins.