The system is collapsing... to Lefty – 60 points –

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And the fact that the democrats have shifted so far into acceptance that anyone against it is a terrible person has been amazing to watch. They called out the Nazis for the past few years, and now they're wondering if maybe the general idea behind it was OK.

Liberals weren't calling out Nazis. They were pretending everything was fine, rEaSon wIll pReVAIl and ThEsE aRE mY fRIEndS and ColLeaGuEs

You mean Republicans. The vast majority of citizens and congresspeople speaking out against support of Israel are Democrats.

As of March 2024, 64% of Republican citizens support Israel’s actions vs. 18% of Democrats.

Republicans passed a bill to circumvent Biden’s pause in munitions supply. That’s after they tried to pass a standalone bill for Israel military aid in place of aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.