
1 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

So many corporations are about to start losing money in their pursuit of being greedy and fucking us over for more money. Like at this point I have enough money for food. That's mostly it.

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The party of fiscal responsibility seems to be doing a pretty good job with their finances.

At this point, fuck it.

You're right Sarah! You are the good guys, and there is just no point. Might as well stop trying to over throw the government and terrorizing marginalized communities. Even voting. It's a lost cause. The deep state will come after you for interfering with their plans, so just stay home. Protest the system by being quiet and not participating.

I would love DLC. A game like this could be kept alive for years with good DLC.

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I love Discord for gaming with friends. I don't mind some programs using it for releasing things. Like I play Session(skateboarding sim) a decent amount. It's usually used for people throwing up custom maps and mods.

But anytime people talk about going to a discord to really discuss things and keep up with them, I'm just gonna move on.

First, things like TVs. Not only can you actually see tvs plugged in and how they look, but you can also get open boxed ones to save a few bucks.

Keyboards and mice. You're not gonna be able to get a complete, full experience like when you're sitting down to really use it, but you can get a pretty damn good understanding of how it feels.

More good products from the actual brands, instead of hundreds of scams or cheap Chinese products that will break in a month being drop shipped. I wouldn't be able to count how many times I've seen the same exact product show up multiple times with a different company name. It's one of the reasons I try to not use the vast majority of online shopping sites. Having an open market sounds awesome. You get to sell your own stuff and reach a wider audience. But people are greedy fucks and ruin it for everyone.

Also, I sometimes like going to stores. It's an excuse to get out of the house. It doesn't feel like it fills that need when I'm grocery shopping, but if I'm gonna go buy something I want, then it makes it more exciting. If I got nothing else planned for the weekend, might as well.

The only problem is that I only have BB for electronics. So the options are a bit limited.

This is a big one. I don't trust Amazon anywhere near as much as I used to.

I honestly question if it even still has the same amount of traffic. Like it was no secret that site had bots. It's been a thing for awhile. But it's only gotten worse. I get on once in awhile for one particular niche sub. But I had to stop browsing the rest.

For awhile, subs about pop culture and celebrities started getting to /all, but it's posts like "What's you favorite sitcom moment?!" AITA became even more popular, but the stories feel even more fake and formulaic. Before there were times when the top comments were bots commenting on the repost bots post. Now it's not uncommon for people to point it out. The repost bot posts, the other bot steals the top comments and post those.

It's also become even more right wing in a lot of places. So depending on your political leanings, that can be a turn off for some.

Either way, the site really has gone downhill.

"Charlie Brown is less motivated to try and kick the football"

Republicans will complain when we say they're fine with school shootings happening, but I bet none of them will talk about him saying this.

At least they're honest that they are just being fascists and it's not because Biden did anything wrong. Wish that actually mattered here.

Yall said the same shit about gay people a couple years ago. It was all the same talking points, it's just slightly modded to fit trans people now. It was bigotry then, it's bigotry now.

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Everything you guys say about trans people.


Heard that

"It's a fad!"

Heard that

"It's mental illness!"

Heard that

"Society is gonna crumble!"

Heard that

It's everything. Everything. Everything. Let me repeat, everything. Even down to shit like should ____ be in the military or the bathrooms or sports?

Everything. It was bigotry back then. Its bigotry now.

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My theory: they dont... I'm pretty sure some of the time they know what they're doing. They don't care. They're in it to cause people pain. There are thousands of videos to prove that. There's videos of them just showing up to houses and claiming the neighbors made a complaint, and then breaking the peoples constitutional right and going in.

So at this point, I don't buy it, but it helps give them an out, so they keep repeating it.

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No. You're just a bigot who doesn't like to think they are. You like the ideas, but have a problem when a negative term gets attached to it. It's like when people weren't "racist." They were "race realists." It was racism with a new logo. Similar to how when people were homophibic, it wasn't "bigotry", it was "Think of the children" and "the gay agenda."

It's also not a mistake when we know he's buddy buddy with Russia. We know why they did it.

And the fact that the democrats have shifted so far into acceptance that anyone against it is a terrible person has been amazing to watch. They called out the Nazis for the past few years, and now they're wondering if maybe the general idea behind it was OK.

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Maybe people should stop supporting these companies. I know saying it for the 729,631st time won't change anything, but all I'm gonna say is I don't have issues with Capcom, EA, Ubisoft, or a few other studios, because us simply 🌠 dont play their games 🌠

Sometimes I miss old reddit for stuff like this, the jolly rancher story, the cum box, etc

But then I see this stuff again, and I think I like the more sterile internet in a way.

Good. Let them tell everyone they're not fascists and dont support them. Most of us will support that.

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And thats why I'm not worried about them doing anything other than what they're already doing. They know they would be fucked if they leave.

And if they do? Well then we deal with it when that time comes. Hopefully a bunch of left leaning people leave, including my brother and his wife, and a bunch of MAGAts can go there and talk about how much they love America while also leaving it.

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French toast. I think the egg gives it a bit of a boost.

Honestly, I just looked up recipes for waffles and pancakes. The main difference I'm seeing is some waffles have vanilla extract... and that's basically the main thing. I prefer waffles, largely because of the texture and the little syrup pods, but otherwise I can go with either one.

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If it's anything like any other social media site that that let's you pay to promote, they will do it once...

And then half ass it a second time...

Then they just tell you they are, but you won't see any more people listening to it.

Just feels like a friendly reminder that you can't be a republican and a good person at the same time.

Well then the Republicans better get real comfortable with having a lot of bad things happening to them real quick.

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Funny how he also said he's transphobic because his kid is trans. Seems like it's just everyone else making him a bigot.

This is why I hate those arguments. Anytime we talk about raising wages, people complain about things getting more expensive. But what's the plan when an hours worth of work can only get you a gallon of milk? Because without wages going up, it's gonna get to that point. And then even high end paying jobs will still leave people in poverty. Like right now I'm making more money than I ever have. I make a little over $20 an hour. 5 years ago that sounded amazing. I also just moved in with an old roommate yesterday because me and my boyfriend can no longer afford our own place. We went form moving in to the apartment in 2020 with money being a little tight, but still having some extra for fun stuff, to the last few months I've been ending each month with $2-3 in my bank account.

But now we are supposed to be worried about price increases because of minimum going up? Now it's an issue?

One of my old roommates did it. I work in patient transportation at the hospital, and two of my coworkers did it. All of them have talked about terrible the job was. And not even because of the things people think would be terrible. Like bed pans aren't fun. But its part of the job.

But they're understaffed, the managers suck because they're all only interested in money, so they get mentally abused by the higher ups, they have to work over time to get things done so people don't die but then get yelled at for working over time, etc. And all you said, it's for shit pay. I don't blame anyone for leaving those jobs. And it's sad, because ultimately it's the elderly who suffer from all of this.

I'm just not an authoritarian. I don't like the government spying on us as it is. Why would I volunteer to give up even more privacy? Consider installing cameras in your home and give the government access to them if you want. Totes just to make sure the kids aren't doing anything wrong. I'll skip.

Party of small government!

Or another reason to get strapped. Cause if it comes down to it, at this point banning them wouldn't stop it. You would need to confiscate them.

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Except about 30% of the US. They don't like Nazis by name, but they sure are buddy buddy with them

I remember when I was first leaving religion and becoming an atheist, I saw a trailer for his Religulous "documentary." I think it looked interesting. I was young and angry at religion. So I watched it. I still felt like it was bad. It was basically just him going around the world laughing at religious people. He made it seem like he was going to have actual conversations on the subject. He wasn't. I'm surprised more people have been following him this whole time. Like you said, even when I agreed with him I didn't like him.

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But don't you dare complain that's entry level jobs are disappearing and it's harder to find a job. It's your own fault they now require a minimum of 3 years experience for a barely above minimum wage job that people with 3 years of experience don't want, but they won't give to anyone else.

Dracula and other vampires discuss the ethics on drinking human blood.

I think it's like a lot of things in life. Especially when capitalism is concerned.

There's a seedy, underground section of it. Women get trafficked and forced to make videos. It's disgusting and something I don't ever see going away. If it's not porn, it's prostitution. Sex trafficking makes a ton of money, and a lot of rich people are sociopaths.

However, outside of that, it's fine. Watch it in moderation. We're human. Most of us like sex. We like watching other people have sex.

I had actually considered switching out of Samsung for my next phone. Looks like I might be going with Pixel. Still gonna be expensive, but if they follow through on this, might be worth it. Just need to see how well it handles some things.

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I think it's just the internet being the internet. Or at least how it's been for awhile. There are big sites that a lot of people crowd to and that becomes the default. Like auctioning things off online. Ebay. That was where everyone went to. Need to order a few different things online? Amazon. Are there other online stores? Plenty. But Amazon is seen as cheap and convenient.

Nexus mods is just the popular site, but the moders have other options.

I was actually wondering about that. Like as a white person, I don't want to over step boundaries, but even I'm not surprised.

But this makes a whole lot more sense.

This was why I left. Last straw was me getting banned for a week because I called someone an asshole for openly calling for violence against trans people. I reported their comment as well.

Mine got me banned. Facebook said they were fine.

I sometimes feel like I should have a tinfoil hat on, but I'm honestly willing to bet that wite supremacy groups got members to get jobs at social media companies to purposefully let them get through the system.

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