Newest version of Android? You're overqualified to use our app!

001100 to Mildly – 104 points –

Not sure if its Google or the ACLU, but infuriating nonetheless.


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Less than 2 years since the last update here.

The phone I currently use is more than 2 years old.

I'm gonna go with more than mildly infuriating.

It's not about when the app last updated, it's if they updated the code to use the modern interface.

They didn't.

App updates must specify a target SDK of >= 31 which has been out for 2 years. There are lots of reasons around security and privacy mostly.

You can still have a minimum of API 21 (Lollipop from 2014) and ship to those older devices.

To get that warning, they'd have to have a target of <=30 and less than your device. I don't know what phone you have, but 30 is 3 years old.

The app publisher needs to step up their game.

I guess ACLU ran out of funding to pay the developer.

Or the developer completed the terms of their contract in developing and publishing the app. Maintenance may not have been part of the deal.