Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you to – 847 points –
Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die

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They also don’t let you transfer purchases if for instance you’re being stalked

Had a friend lose a thousand games that way

Friend could have in theory just authorized their steam library on the computer and played them through a different account. The "family sharing" thing.

Don't you have to be friends for that? I believe there was a website that showed your friends list, even if your profile was set to private.

You might be right, I thought that specific function wasn't dependent on being friends but I am not sure.

Wait, what does stalked mean in this context? Aren't you able to block people on Steam?

You can but they can just go to a steam profile site and see your previous names/the id doesn’t change

And if they have a link to your profile (since it uses the id) they will always find you

For this case they made her player of the week in a group she wasn’t apart of. It’s still there today but the profile is deleted (hence the question mark)

Blocking an account doesn’t really solve the trauma of being scared to accept any friend request since it could be this guy

Steam support did nothing

Blocking an account doesn’t really solve the trauma of being scared to accept any friend request since it could be this guy

Oh yeah, that's a good point.

Steam support did nothing

I'm not surprised. I love Steam, and the service that they provide, but I don't think their support has ever been particularly outstanding. I've had mixed experiences with their support. I'm not sure what they can do about this in general, though. Even if they banned him, that could set him off even more and make him try to harass her even more to the point where it's non-stop continued and he keeps spamming friend requests, etc.

I guess the idea would be transferring her account to a "new" account, or transferring her games to a "new" account, but yeah they don't allow that. Damn.