So going forward, I should keep my crimes under half an hour and it’s fine. Good to know.
Keep it under 27 minutes just to be on the safe side
Is it total minutes or consecutive?
Either, just to be safe.
I wouldn't go on a 30-minute crime spree yet, there might be a better deal soon.
Trump says he's going to be a one-day dictator if elected. If he gets his way and does not get punished afterwards, we have a strong legal precedent that everyone gets their personal Purge once in their lifetime.
So going forward, I should keep my crimes under half an hour and it’s fine. Good to know.
Keep it under 27 minutes just to be on the safe side
Is it total minutes or consecutive?
Either, just to be safe.
I wouldn't go on a 30-minute crime spree yet, there might be a better deal soon.
Trump says he's going to be a one-day dictator if elected. If he gets his way and does not get punished afterwards, we have a strong legal precedent that everyone gets their personal Purge once in their lifetime.