TRUMP GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS to – 2683 points –
Trump trial live: Donald Trump found guilty in historic criminal trial - BBC News

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What happens to the jury now? I almost wonder if they need something equivalent to witness protection, or at a bare minimum some protection from the state of New York. MAGA is a terrorist organization that preaches swift, bloody retribution against dissidents. I don't know if basic juror anonymity will be enough to protect all of them.

Are the juror's identities out there? I don't actually know.

They’re kept anonymous, and also their identifying info like appearance and employer are protected. During the jury selection some prospective jurors were identified based on their work and a general description, which is why the judge added a ban on sharing that information.

Names are always kept confidential, but there is identifying information out there like their professions and general areas they live. MAGA was also able to figure out jury identities earlier in the case, and it's certain they will at least be trying. If it was me on that jury, I'd prefer a preventative measure.

They preach swift retribution and that ends up being infantile things like swatting mostly. 99% of those pudgy fuckers are nothing to worry about imo.

Swatting isn't infantile with our police force, it's a good way to induce death by cop.