TRUMP GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS to – 2683 points –
Trump trial live: Donald Trump found guilty in historic criminal trial - BBC News

Now watch the Republican Party of “Law and Order”nominate a convicted felon to be the next president

You have to understand that this isn't ironic to them. To them, this was not a legitimate trial and trumped up charges, if you'll pardon the pun.

The guy behind me that watches fox news all day because "he needs something to help him focus" immediately started spouting fox talking points as soon as the verdict was read. My younger coworkers were like, "no way, that's crazy" to all his bs. I just had to say, "no that's not true. I read the jury instructions and they don't say that." He moved onto insisting there was no evidence and Cohen perjured himself and at that point I was already on my way out the door.

He's Gen x, a landlord, new York exile, classic gabagool. Ugh.

Gen Xer here that does not share your co-worker's moronic view. Lock him up!

Gen X here too, Lock him up!

I think most of GenX were just crushed by the boomers, you just have to listen to GenX music to see how fatalistic and powerless they were. When Millenials came around, they started to have enough distance to the boomers to do their own thing. And i really have the highest of hopes for GenZ and beyond.

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I'd complain to HR that that guy is making the workplace hostile, if not outright tell him to shut the fuck up, but I get that that's not a safe option at a lot of workplaces

He's a job hopper and I don't expect him to be there more than a year or so longer. He mostly keeps his dumb shit to himself but I guess if you're gonna spout off then the day your orange turd gets convicted of felonies is a logical one.

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Last week I had to remind my parents that FBI agents are cops and pretty much always are authorized to use deadly force...

I asked my right wing mother if she had heard the news. She asked me if I thought the gop was finally going to pick another candidate. I like my mother.

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Maybe the phrase “trumped up charges” will have new meaning after today

I'm hoping the "playing the trump card" will morph into meaning you're a lying, cheating piece of trash that should be taken outside and tarred and feathered.

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That's because his supporters worship him as a new messiah and cannot conceive of him having actually committed a crime. Or they don't care if he did or not.

They don't care if he did. I'd argue most of his supporters in the party (Mike Johnson for example) know that he is a horrible person but will support him because he has energized a dormant portion of the voting population that can help them to gain and hold power. Trump himself isn't even that bad, he's a useful idiot who gives immense power to far right organizations like the heritage foundation.

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To his supporters there isn't a legitimate trial.

Right, there can't be a legitimate trial because everything is "politicized" and "a witch hunt".

Weird how they can't get DAs to bring charges against Hillary or Hunter though.

I think you're right, none of this matters to them.They have their judges in place and everything is set up for Jan 6 II, Coup Boogaloo (but this time it will be 'legal').

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Don't forget their party of "family values" and "religious morals" candidate who slept with a porn star while his wife was recovering from giving birth to their child

And by having sex with a pornstar he was cheating on the playboy model he was cheating on his wife with.

You know, on balance though, I think I'm glad that being a convicted felon doesn't preclude one from being elected president. I've gone back and forth on it a lot, but I think it is for the best.

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To find out what rules he broke for each guilty verdict, search “trump rule 34”

Huh, idgi. I looked it up and all I saw was him getting fucked by 12 of his peers.

To call them peers is an insult to the jurors

Not peers as in members of a cohort. Peers as in pee-rs, those who pee. On him. Like stormy daniels.

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No no, keep going

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Count #34: Guilty


Again? Sure

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Count #19: Guilty

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Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

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Count #34: Guilty

Just one more time... I want it, no, NEED it one more time

I got you.

Count #1: Guilty

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Count #19: Guilty

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Count #25: Guilty

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Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

Yo sorry I got distracted thinking about that orange fuckface being found guilty, could you start over?

I'm here to support.

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Count #8: Guilty

Count #9: Guilty

Count #10: Guilty

Count #11: Guilty

Count #12: Guilty

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Count #18: Guilty

Count #19: Guilty

Count #20: Guilty

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Count #22: Guilty

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Count #25: Guilty

Count #26: Guilty

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Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

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It flows so nicely wouldn't you say?

Count #1: Guilty

Count #2: Guilty

Count #3: Guilty

Count #4: Guilty

Count #5: Guilty

Count #6: Guilty

Count #7: Guilty

Count #8: Guilty

Count #9: Guilty

Count #10: Guilty

Count #11: Guilty

Count #12: Guilty

Count #13: Guilty

Count #14: Guilty

Count #15: Guilty

Count #16: Guilty

Count #17: Guilty

Count #18: Guilty

Count #19: Guilty

Count #20: Guilty

Count #21: Guilty

Count #22: Guilty

Count #23: Guilty

Count #24: Guilty

Count #25: Guilty

Count #26: Guilty

Count #27: Guilty

Count #28: Guilty

Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

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This is going to pop into my head every time I think about the conviction. I hope you understand that. You are part of my life now.

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When the GOP sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are convicted felons.

That's just not true

The GOP is sending their best

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Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Get fucked you piece of shit

I have doubts he will do any time.

I can dream. I guess there’s some consolation to his mind slowly becoming his prison. If anyone deserves dementia, it’s this traitor

Asshole kept comparing himself to Capone…

Let’s give him what he wants!

Sentence his ass to 11 years & a roaring case of neurosyphilis.

I kinda think he may already have neurosyphilis. Didn't he have weird sores on his hands? Whatever it is, there's definitely something wrong with that pile of turds and KFC bones he calls a brain.

There has been something wrong with his brain for years. But yeah, I think it may be getting worse. I hope he is suffering and miserable.

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Each count has a maximum of 1 - 4 years of prison apparently. Usually that is served concurrently, but he is technically a first time felon so I doubt he is going to do any time at all.

The judge has all the leeway in this case. Since these crimes were committed to influence an election and undermine democracy, the judge can make him go to prison for the 4 years.

Another factor in sentencing is remorse - Trump has never said he's genuinely sorry for anything. If the judge isn't convinced that this is a one time thing (which is tough since it's 34 charges involving multiple events with multiple accomplices), prison is more likely.

Absolutely fair. I am just shitting out what other pundits have said. We really won't know what happens until July 11th.

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I happened to be in my mother's house when she called me to look at it live and there was zero mention on CNN of whether or not he would serve time over it. Sentencing in July.

Anyone know likelihood of jail time?

Cohen got jail time for this crime.

This needs to be brought up every damned time this subject comes up. Cohen served time for the exact same crime - so what argument is there that Trump shouldn't?

so what argument is there that Trump shouldn't?

The American justice system has been successfully boiled down to a pay to play system and it's unfair to not let other rich people go for more serious crimes, but not Trump .

I mean I don't think they would be honest enough to run with that, but it's the only argument I can think of that would be based on an unfortunate truth.

Everyone consciously or subconsciously knows the justice system works differently for different classes. The only reason anyone who leans right actually believes it could be a "witch hunt" is because no one has an iota of faith in the justice system. Sending a "billionaire" to jail is so rare that the possibility of it happening seems suspicious.

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100%, how is this not more significant when people guess whether or not Trump will serve time? Cohen got jail time for this, and he turned himself in, and cooperated.

Trump did nothing redeeming, and he was the guy giving the orders, how is it even conceivable that Trump should be punished less?

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He did not. Cohen pleaded guilty to 5 counts of tax evasion (class B felony), one count of making false statements to a federally insured bank (class C felony), one count of causing an unlawful corporate contribution (class D felony) , one count of making an excessive campaign contribution (class D felony).

Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records (class E felony).

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If one is being objective and not paying attention to his former job or publicity, he's a first time offender convicted of non-violent offenses with a business footprint that makes him low risk for probation violation.
He would also place a burden on the penal system if incarcerated, and his current state of having round the clock law enforcement presence further lowers the likelihood that he goes to prison.

On the flip side, he has done a lot to actively antagonize the person who will be mostly in charge of his fate, and he's got a good month to build a body of evidence that says he'll immediately disrespect probation.

So almost certainly not, but it's not as close to zero as you would expect for a former president.

Cohen got prison time for the same exact crime, also a first offense. To my mind, being a former president should make them hold to to a higher standard, not a lesser one.

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Slim chance. It's his first offence (first conviction anyway) and a non violent crime. Can't see the judge jailing him, especially given the logistics involved with the Secret Service having to protect him.

Cohen served time for this exact same crime in the exact same state. I think he was sentenced to 3 years and did 1.5 due to covid early release. That was also his first felony.

It's fully possible he gets jail time.

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Maybe convicted ex presidents shouldn't get secret service protection

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My understanding is that we will see an appeal before sentencing on July 11th. If that is not successful, then he will get anything from a slap on the wrist to jail time. Sentencing is likely going to hinge on if he remains the lead Republican candidate. Jail time is going to have a lot of custom rules and exeptions that we are unprepared for; primarily secret secret protection. conviction section

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Npr reporter said that each count has a maximum of 1 - 4 years in jail but usually served concurrently and the judge apparently already made a comment about jail time is not a guarantee or something. I am betting another useless fine and maybe some probation.

Don't underestimate the effect of "maybe some probation". Having to check in with some probation officer on a regular basis (and probably pee in a cup each time, I'm not sure whether NY mandates that) will be super humiliating for him. Plus, I bet that the period on probation will be much longer than any prison sentence, and will extend through the election.

Plus, in the event he still wins, I doubt NYC really cares. They will keep making him pee in that cup until his probation is over.

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Some other Lemmy commenter suggested community service instead of jail time.
There's something very appealing about the prospect of Trump, in a high-vis vest, picking up trash along the side of the freeway.

Yes, the sentencing ranges from probation to 4 years in prison. Given this is his first conviction and he's a former president, I assume probation will be given. Though, he's still under a gag order if he violates that or probation somehow, maybe brief house arrest?

I definitely want pictures of him picking up trash with the secret service hanging around, at the very least

He's already violated the gag order like 15 times and nothing's happened.

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Says he’ll likely just pay a fine. “Can afford the fine, can do the crime” is more like it.

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An earlier article said the Trump team was hoping for a hung jury.

Guilty all 34 counts.

Certainly was a hung jury. Hung like a horse!

They were hoping for a hung jury so that Trump could turn to his sea of morons and once again claim "tOtAl ExOnErAtioN!!!!". Now they are forced to play the "witch hunt cuz judge doesn't like me and his daughter is making money off this for democrats, and also it's a biden witchhunt". It sucks to play that card and they really didn't want to have to lean on that alone.

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Holy shit.

In NY, even if he’s sentenced to prison, it’s up to the judge’s discretion whether he has to report to prison while awaiting appeal…and we all know he’s going to appeal.

Well here's hoping this judge is tired enough of Trump's shit.

Something something historic trial something decorum something tradition and that's why he'll walk free.

That and the judge is probably terrified of having his house firebombed.

This is exactly why Judges have been so lenient on him. None of them want to go from country clubbing to having firsthand knowledge of the witness protection program.

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I really wonder if the judge will call out Trumps behavior, the multiple gag order violations, etc. and use all that to justify a harsher sentence. One can only hope…

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He was a former president. The prosecution would never have gone to trial without a watertight case.

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Conservative comments on this joyous event can be divided into three groups.

Group 1: how dare the government do this to our golden god!?

Group 2: this is good for Trump’s campaign for reasons

Group 3: the demonrats are going to say mean things about us

Note that none of these are “oh man, I might have been wrong to support him.” The complete absence of regret coupled with severe delusions around trump are more than slightly distressing in the long term.

I overheard my relatives today saying how dare they convict him of anything when our corrupt president hasn't been charged with anything.

I really wanted to remind them that before they sold their soul to Trump they wanted every politician to be arrested and tried. Suddenly a politician is tried and they have second thoughts...

Admitting you were wrong is like really, really, really hard man. Takes a grown ass man to admit to one's mistakes. But here we are, a bunch of manchildren and people who have drunk the cool aid and are beyond reasoning.

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The lady in the article said she might change her mind about voting for him if he was convicted of election interference. Like he just was, mean not exactly but the reason it was a felony was due to the election campaign. Least if I understood correctly, otherwise they'd have been misdemeanors. Or something like that anyways.

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There are definitely many people out there who will change their vote based solely on today’s outcome. How important an effect this will have remains to be seen.

People rarely change their minds on politics all of a sudden because they have new information. This shit goes deep. At best they'll slowly figure it out in a way that makes them feel smart.

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Do you guys think this matters to his voters/supporters?

Some undecideds, sure. It only takes ten thousand voters in a couple swing states to change the outcome.

I mean, that could have been the difference in the 2016 election.

Remember when Clinton lost the election because the FBI didn't find anything on her assistant's laptop?

I mean she could have spent a weekend in Michigan. That was an unforced error.

She could have addressed her relationship with Goldman Sachs, and all the other banks that fucked over the entirety of the American people during the housing crisis that she earned millions upon millions giving "speeches" to.

She could have made an olive branch to the progressive caucus.

She could have not said "Sit down and shut up" to BLM activists.

There are a lot of things she could have done.

Or, like, hear me out, the Democrats could have not nominated her and nominated someone who isn't strongly disliked by both sides.

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She could also not have stolen the fucking nomination from Sanders

I think she would've won regardless of everything else, but it would've been closer. Really the mistake from the primaries is that she didn't really try to incorporate any of Bernie's ideas into her platform, or even work with him at all. She treated him as an opponent and obstacle, not as a rival and peer.

This is where Biden was successful however -- he didn't dismiss Bernie nor his platform ideas. He did incorporate some into presidency, most obviously the climate change policies and student debt forgiveness where possible.

And where I sincerely believe this difference came down to -- Biden was friendly to Bernie in the Senate and made an effort to be friendly colleagues, if not work friends. Clinton didn't. It shows the power of cooperation allying together with progressives, instead of allying together with "moderate" Republicans.

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It blows my mind that anyone can still be undecided in 2024.

Lot of people don’t pay any attention to politics. Yes, even in this climate.

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Everyone talks about his base as an unmoving monolith. But to get elected, he needs more than his base. He needs the fence sitters. Many of these people may be very ill informed about all the corruption in his original administration and his business dealings. This result will make a big difference to them because it's simple to understand. He's a convicted felon.

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To many of them, no. To some who would have voted for him, maybe yes.

I'm making a called shot of a drop into the 40's for July's polling.

He wont' drop below 25%, ever. That's his core. They may never support another candidate again.

However, dropping to high 30's low 40's only puts Trump back to par with Biden. Hardly a W, but at lease Biden would be back in the running.

They may never support another candidate again.

Don't do that. Don't give me hope.

I mean it in a "There are still people who think gamestop is going to be a billion dollar stock" manner.


Cult/ Cargo cult level "They will never support another candidate again" is what I mean. They'll write him in. They'll have wild conspiracy theories. Not need to push. It will happen it on its own.

I would guess its around 25-30% of Republican voters. Its the conspiracy theory mind-set cutting backwards against those that seed it. There is no undoing this.

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I suspect some people will mental gymnastics themselves into thinking this isn't a serious crime, and stipulating an abstract 'serious crime' yields more extreme results than we'll see as a result of this verdict.

But a few percentage point swing in a few key states is enough to ensure a Biden victory, so it may be enough.

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I think "all 34 counts" is more meaningful than 33 out 34 or anything less.

Any truly room temperature IQ folks out there can maybe see the light. Maybe.

Or they see it as "See? The courts are obviously corrupted. Not even one count was innocent? There's no way he committed THAT much crime."

Anecdotal… we drove through rural Ohio a few weeks ago. In several hours of travel we only saw ONE trump sign. The same place in 2016 or 2020 would have been full of them. Regardless of the impact of this, the enthusiasm is dead. There might be “maga guys” on Twitter but they’re largely disengaged in real life.

Can confirm the other way around; Saw one sign in all of Iowa. None in Nebraska. It was pleasant aside from all the Jesus/Abortion signage lol

I rode the MABDR last week which for me involves traveling through a wide swath of rural Pennsylvania. Nearly all of the Trump paraphernalia is gone from people's yards. I used to see hundreds of Trump signs and flags, confederate flags, the works. Now there are only a few dedicated nutters left. They know who they are.

  1. The Stan Clark Military Books store on 30 west of Gettysburg that has a massive "Don't Blame Us, We Voted For Trump/Pence" sign (notably, still including Pence!) right out front of their business. Here it is on Street View. As an extra slap in the face, this is right on the edge of the Gettysburg battlefield and memorial.
  2. The twerp in Biglerville who has his tiny front yard fenced off with chicken wire and used to have a life sized Trump mannequin in his lawn dressed up in propaganda T-shirts all the time. I thought for sure he moved since all was subdued there for a few months last year, but now he's got all kinds of Trump and alt-right flags all over his lawn and porch. His place was looking comparatively tame last year.
  3. The marquee on what I assume is the old bank building in Red Lion which has a marquee on it that reads "If Biden is the answer, how stupid was the question?" Street View link here.. The sides of it read "Frauds of 2020" and "Pause for enlightenment."
  4. The guy on 896 just south of Ninepoints with the giant "Trump Not Bought Or Sold" sign (except by the Russians, of course). He has another massive sign next to it with some anti-Biden thing on it but I can't remember what it says offhand. Alas, his Street View photo was apparently taken in 2019 which was before the signs went up.

The remainder of these dillweeds seem to be... curiously silent compared to previously. It's kind of weird.

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My gut feeling is there's nothing in this world that will sway his core supporters. Those rabid mouth-breathing dumbass kool-aid drinking dipshits would disown their own children if they thought one of them voted for a democrat.

However, I think it could sway a lot of swing voters away from Trump. In American elections for POTUS, swing voters are extremely important.

Unfortunately, Biden is fucking up so bad on foreign policy (Gaza) that will lose Biden a lot of swing voters, too. Still anybody's race is my guess.

This is just all my gut. It's hard to trust polls anymore.

Swing voters either dgaf about Gaza or are in favor of what Israel is doing. Gaza hurts Biden with his base.

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This matters to intelligent, educated, and critically-thinking people. So, no, it doesn’t matter to his sycophants.

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Holy crap... Did you guys read the bottom bit about Georgia voters?

"Another man Bob, playing with his bluegrass band outside a café, was more sure. He wanted a positive outcome for Donald Trump and said a conviction would not change his mind. What would?

“If he was convicted of murder, I'd be like that's not a guy I want to go for!” "

Not surprised, tbh, but I still find it ridiculous to read.

he's lying. he would still vote for him if he literally murdered his family. this is a cult. they'll always find some excuse.

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Good now that he's a convicted felon he can't run for president just like you can't vote, right? ...right? Fuck this system.

There are scenarios in which you'd support a felon running for office, it's just this particular felon we have an issue with

No, I support keeping felons off the ballot because Republicans are the ones that stripped ex-cons of their right to vote.

How is a criminal voting more dangerous then becoming President? That was the right wing's justification for taking away former inmates right to vote.

People with felonies shouldn't have been disenfranchised. That is obviously wrong.

That doesn't mean you should also do something that's wrong in response. Just because at this particular moment there would be an advantage to felons being forbidden from going on the ballot, doesn't mean that will always hold true in the future. What happens in 20 years when the Cop City protestors try to run for elected office and are forbidden because of the bullshit charges they incurred protesting?

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I read that he could be taken off the ballot in some places, but I haven't verified that.

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Ready for nothing to happen?

To be fair, I’d never thought he’d get this far. So maybe, just maybe, at least in an alternate universe, justice will actually be served. 🤞

I was about to ask if I could be transferred to that alternate universe, but maybe I’d actually like to be transferred to one where 2016 went drastically differently.

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The article says that a fine is more likely than prison time. So he'll sell a few more hats, collect some donations from his base, and be good to go.

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Trump's civil trials: Half a billion in fines, lost ability to do business in New York.

Trump's Jan 6 Federal case: stuck with SCOTUS deciding on presidential immunity by looking at polls in September.

Trump's Stolent document case: postponed until an inept judge can figure out how to have a trial where one of the exhibits is "stolen plans to assassinat all current world leaders: CIA, do not distribute" without all world leaders catching wind.

Trump's Georga interference case: Trying to get the other 10 defendants guilty before going after Trump

This was the only case that could have given him prison time before the election. Let's see the judge screw it up.

I wish that misuse of charity funds, and running a fraudulent University, verdicts where more in the spot light.

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This is only going to be considered by the swing voters come the election.

Die hard Trumpers will double down. Die hard Republicans would never vote for a Democrat, so better a felon than a Liberal. Die hard Democrats would never have voted for him anyway.

People who flip between the two parties now have another thing to consider when casting their votes, and only their internal compass will direct them to Trump or Biden

Die hard Democrats would never have voted for him anyway.

The issue is not getting Democrats to not vote for Trump, the issue is getting Democrats to vote.

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So the thought is that, sure they may have happily voted for someone found guilty of sexual assault, but felony fraud is the step too far? I'll take it, but I'm constantly amazed at how this is still a competitive race.

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I think the best we can hope for is house arrest, which would still be really good since he couldn't campaign. I doubt he will go to prison even though it would be amazing and hilarious to see him in those paper thin orange prison jump suits. He could be roommates with Nicholas Tartaglione, but I can only get so optimistic

He won’t, he’ll just go to the pub and have a pint, and this will all blow over. Rich people don’t have to follow the laws in America, you see

Maximum sentence per conviction is 5k or 4 years in prison... he'll get a $170k fine then head down to the Winchester

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The next step is likely an appeal, so as wonderful as the news was, we're far from done. Sadly.

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Sweet, but let me know when anything actually comes of it.

  1. Trump's crimes will never be investigated
  2. Trump's crimes will never be referred to a grand jury
  3. Trump will never be indicted by a grand jury
  4. Trump will never go to trial
  5. The judge will throw the case out
  6. The jury will not return a verdict / hung jury
  7. Trump will not be convicted on all counts
  8. Trump will not be sentenced <--- You are here
  9. Trump will not be punished (jail / house arrest)
  10. Trump will appeal and overturn the verdict
  11. Trump is too old and frail to serve his sentence
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Sentencing isn't until July 11th, and he's still going to appeal. I don't have high hopes for seeing him in prison before the election.

Something to keep in mind is that as of right now, he is guilty. If sentencing decides he goes to jail (very unlikely), they do not have to let him go free while the appeal takes place.

More likely though, is that he'll be bound by the terms of probation. Which is potentially hilarious, since it means the probation officer can enter his home at will, send him to jail if he knowingly communicates with a felon, and can deny his requests to leave the jurisdiction he was convicted in essentially at will. He needs to be available to be interviewed by the probation at their discretion anywhere he is, and the probation officer can deny his living arrangements if they believe it creates a risk of a prohibited behavior.

It's unlikely, but a particularly vindictive parole officer could make a very legitimate argument that attending the convention where they vote on making Trump the Republican candidate must be denied due to the likelihood of associating with known felons or former criminal associates related to his conviction.

If would be petty, but it's not like anyone has put much care into abuse in the probation and parole system before, so...

I’m ok with being petty against a bigoted piece of garbage who is trying to get people killed.

There was always a 0% chance that a Trump went to prison for this trial. He'll get a slap on the wrist. This is the least severe crime he's accused of, to be quite frank.

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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted the "SHAM trial" on X. "You don't see this level of corruption in a banana republic", she wrote, directing people to a Trump fundraiser.

I don't know I've seen such a direct example of, " I'm saying this so that you will give us money", as this in a while.

Why are people so happy to be part of a scam? What do they expect their money will do? Is it a metric republicans use to compare to each other? 🤷

I don't get it, like, I get why people support him, they live in a weird media bubble, but that same media bubble insists he's a fantastically successful businessman, why donate to a billionaire even if you do support his cause?

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The whole front page of c/news is going to be just this story, isn't it?

I'm not complaining, I'm just saying...

Expect to see memes about it too in other communities. This'll be the front page of most fediverse instances in some fashion for the rest of the day I imagine

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What happens to the jury now? I almost wonder if they need something equivalent to witness protection, or at a bare minimum some protection from the state of New York. MAGA is a terrorist organization that preaches swift, bloody retribution against dissidents. I don't know if basic juror anonymity will be enough to protect all of them.

Are the juror's identities out there? I don't actually know.

They’re kept anonymous, and also their identifying info like appearance and employer are protected. During the jury selection some prospective jurors were identified based on their work and a general description, which is why the judge added a ban on sharing that information.

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Anyone expecting much more than a small fine that he won't pay anyway, followed by him pardoning himself in January?

This is a state crime, not federal, so he can't pardon himself as president. I think he could if he was governor of New York, which seems like a long shot.

And New York's AG has seemed pretty keen on seizing his property if he wouldn't pay before. Idk if they can do that for these types of fines but I'm sure they will if they can.

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Well that didn't take long.

Same thing happened with his other trials. A fast verdict from the jury means the case was completely air-tight solid to the jurors. He was so clearly guilty that there was nothing to even discuss

They still discussed it for 10 hours. That's a pretty decent amount of time. And requested transcripts from previous portions of the trial, too.

True, but it's still quite quick. In fact IMO having a few hours of deliberation is probably a good thing for the country, because now they can't say the verdict came back so quickly that it proves it must've been rigged. I'm sure they'll still say it was rigged anyway, but they won't be able to point to a 5 minute deliberation as supposed evidence

The average US president has been convicted of 0.73 felonies

My favorite part about the aftermath of this is that Convicted Felon Trump won't be able to vote for himself in the election 🥰

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Enough power to make the law having broken the law, and enough incompetence to have not covered your tracks.

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Pfff the only thing achieved so far is speaking that he's guilty. Of (of all things) not disclosing payment for sex. No prison, no drop from the ballot, so far nothing that's actually useful.

I think that the best immediate thing that will come from this will be Trump rule 34 fanart. Or, who knows, I might be mistaken already...

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I’m hoping for 30 days in jail starting after the republican nomination.

George Conway was saying to the publisher of the Bulwark that the he doesn't see Trump walking away with 0 days in jail, but it most certainly won't be long given it's his "first" offense and his clear disregard for the judge, his family/daughter, staff, the witnesses, jurors, prosecution lawyers, and the law in general along with the fact that he was held in contempt TEN times in this specific case alone... some jail is fairly likely, not the maximum "but I think he's gonna get at least a couple of years". Michael Cohen went to prison already for the other side of this same thing.

Meidas Touch's Michael Popok however was saying (I can't find the link for this one rn) that while it is possible, he could potentially see a way forward in which there is no jail time given this first time offender technicality, but definitely probation until sentencing

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So glad to see he finally achieved his dreams of winning the popular vote.

He should go out and celebrate this victory. Maybe he could buy himself a new suit. I hear prison orange is in style at the moment.

You're guilty all the same

Too sick to be ashamed

You want to point your finger

But there's no one else to blame

There's no one else to blame

Guilty all the same

So what does this mean for Trump, does he go to jail? Have to pay some money? Can he still run for president?

It depends on the sentencing, which is right before the RNC in a few days. I've heard the usual punishment for this kind of stuff is at most 4 years of prison, but for first time offenders it is usually suspended. So my guess is that it's a big blob of nothing, again.

Then again, imagine being assigned as parole officer to Trump.

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Sadly "justice has prevailed" is a little premature, because he probably won't do any time and will just have to pay a fine; and probably a mediocre one at that. Justice would be him serving the rest of his life in prison, but that probably won't happen.

Trump cultists literally boot lick the law all day until they get a result they don't like. Rare good news in America lol.

Now we wait for the supreme court to save him. If they do, what are we burning down first? Taking all suggestions.

I heard alito's wife volunteered their homes. he asked her not to for several days.

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