TRUMP GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS to – 2683 points –
Trump trial live: Donald Trump found guilty in historic criminal trial - BBC News

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Anyone expecting much more than a small fine that he won't pay anyway, followed by him pardoning himself in January?

This is a state crime, not federal, so he can't pardon himself as president. I think he could if he was governor of New York, which seems like a long shot.

And New York's AG has seemed pretty keen on seizing his property if he wouldn't pay before. Idk if they can do that for these types of fines but I'm sure they will if they can.


Him serving jail time.. lol before election? Oooweee how the nation would react.

How a small but violent subset of the nation would react. A significant number of people would be just fine with him going to jail and forget about him.

And we should probably find the people who will act on their bluster somehow...

I can't imagine the RNC trying to scramble to get another candidate this close to the election. More likely as not he either pays a small fine. I doubt he'll get jailtimr. Knowing this country and how weird things have gotten he'll go to jail and his supporters will come out in droves to the ballot box and then win the presidency and we'll be in a really tough spot.

Nikki Haley is the backup, she's already got a few delegates to make it official.

Too bad that even if he died, a significant part of his supporters would probably vote for him anyways thinking he's secretly alive

He probably gets more than the fine is from his donations due to this.

Which, if he's making appeals based off the verdict (thus profiting off a crime), those funds could be seized as well, I believe. (your mileage may vary, check with local jurisdictions for details)

Political campaign donations cannot pay for the Trump Organization’s lawsuit fines and I don’t think they can pay for his personal criminal legal fees.

Political campaign donations cannot legally pay for ...

Kicking the can a little further down the road. He'll be dead before he sees any real consequences.