TRUMP GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS to – 2683 points –
Trump trial live: Donald Trump found guilty in historic criminal trial - BBC News

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Where the doubters at now?

Hi. I was wrong.

Hello! I was wrong about Democrat support for Gaza. It's good to admit when you were wrong.

Never admitting we are wrong and rationalizing everything to fit our point of view is how people become Trumpers.

In what sense? I never had any doubt he was quilty!

I'm genuinely (pleasantly) shocked that 12 people agreed and found him guilty.

I am still doubting, he won't see a single day behind bars. He'll get a slap on the wrist.

I want to be wrong. I want to be wrong so badly.

  1. Trump's crimes will never be investigated
  2. Trump's crimes will never be referred to a grand jury
  3. Trump will never be indicted by a grand jury
  4. Trump will never go to trial
  5. The judge will throw the case out
  6. The jury will not return a verdict / hung jury
  7. Trump will not be convicted on all counts
  8. Trump will not be sentenced <--- You are here
  9. Trump will not be punished (jail / house arrest)
  10. Trump will appeal and overturn the verdict
  11. Trump is too old and frail to serve his sentence

I am not. I think he will be sentenced. It would be very dumb if I believed that. I just don't believe his sentence will result in jail time.

Also, I will never say Trump is too old to serve. Fuck they guy, let him rot. He just won't.

Getting ready to vote for him as president, again. 🙄

This changes nothing for Republicans. They still love him like a battered wife loves their husband.