6 Post – 328 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


He boots too big

Someone read the prince :P

Thanks. I am not American, and hence the federal nutrition programme went over my head.

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Aw come on; I wouldn't expect you to know about the BOFA plan

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Thanks OP. I appreciate the sharing of this important image.

Yea 👍

White resigns.

The philosophy behind FOSS is inherently left wing and anarchist; communities working together to provide and produce tools for the common good, without a profit motive. Coupled with the lack of advertising and promotion of the sites, people have to seek them out, leading to a self-selecting user population that skews left :)

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Unfortunately my arsehole doesn't take kindly to being bothered unlubed.

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Wait, the US genuinely doesn't use A4 etc.?

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oops, all terf 😬

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I think it's reasonable to want to have a space that's free from people that defend authoritarian regimes. From my perspective, at least, 196 has always been a more anarchist-oriented space, and I think it makes sense to try to preserve that.

I'd also make the distinction that they are not banned from this forum, in the same way that libs are not banned from posting on their instance -- but those that post there are generally met with hostility, and that preserves the character of their space. I don't see why we shouldn't do the same.

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Lego star wars usable object aura around it

Eh, there's plenty of educated right wingers. Not fascists as much, but the kind of fiscally conservative economists who preach austerity are often as not highly educated, just lacking in empathy.

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So block this instance? I'm not sure why you feel the need to post about it.

Also I have a bone to pick about the 'telling people how to think is wrong. We have a word for the latter and it's not pretty'. Firstly that's pretty polemic for no good reason. Assuming you're dancing round the word fascist, it seems pretty unpleasant and unnecessary to allude to the group that committed genocide of queer people and deliberately destroyed research into trans issues to set it back decades.

Now onto the substance of the claim -- that telling people how to think is fascist. This is completely absurd, the key difference being that fascists don't just 'tell people how to think'; they brutally enforce it with violence.

This post and the trans women making it are not about to use the full force of the state to prevent people thinking about transphobia. What they are doing is posting that, to take part in the community that they are investing money to host, you must unambiguously support trans rights.

The comparison you have implied is completely and utterly absurd, and the dramatic language and comparisons you have used to make it is cringe.

Finally, the prophecy has been fulfilled

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Happy sticking around here, for my vote

Now kiss

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tw: mild transphobia, JK Rowling

On a podcast, Rowling defined the word 'woman' as the 'producer of the large gametes' (large gametes referring to The Egg), which is obvs terfy as it's attempting to reduce the category of 'woman' to the ability to produce eggs.

'large gamete producer' has since been taken up by terfs as a transphobic dogwhistle.

I had a mild hope it'd be an ironic username, but checked their Tumblr and the first post is digging up someone's dead name, so yikes.

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What about anarcho communists 👉👈

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It's beautiful. Stay silly

While I'm a big fan of community action against bigotry and fascism (cable street based), I still don't have it clear in my head about how best to structure society to protect those without power. If you have a police force then inevitably it's going to serve the needs of the wealthy; if you don't then community justice is often also likely to favour those with more power.

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Autumn lovers >>> all other seasons

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You call the Lord 'Father'; I call him 'Daddy'.

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Wow, that's a terrible name for a country.

Or key the car, if you're out of sight.

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Kafkaesque porn really puts the 'cock' into 'cockroach'

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I'll offer up an alternative viewpoint. Because Xavier has the ability to see minds, he grows up as the most empathetic person on the planet. He sees what everyone else is feeling, and can necessarily see everyone else's point of view. When his parents are cross with him, he understands why. He could grow up as one of the kindest and most accommodating people, only using his powers when he deems it absolutely unavoidable.

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It's banging; the texture and flavour are both great.

Some people just have no taste.

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So often I've sent a teams message and had no reply, and the temptation to send them an UwU is devastating.

Or even athlete's face

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Just like the sounds mummy and daddy used to make on their special nights.

It depends on the context and the motivation. The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, for instance, I'd argue was a success -- it halted any momentum the reconciliation movement had at the time, and led to the situation we're in today. Would talks have broken down anyway? Who's to say.

By contrast, the assassination of JFK, though the purpose is unknown, allowed Johnson to galvanise his party in support of a raft of measures.

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I think I'd still argue the free open source part is inherently left wing. Why would I, a right wing libertarian, lend my time to developing a piece of software that I am unable to make a profit from? I have no motive.

Something like bitcoin is the kind of tech project of that mould that i think attracts the right wing libertarian. Just my opinion though.

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The suffragettes put acid in postboxes, chained themselves to railings, and bombed the Chancellor of the Exchecquer's house.

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Writing it out,

Bxd8 Bxf2

Ke2 (only move) Bg4#

Since the king is in check and the light squared bishop covers f3, the dark squared bishop covers e1 and e3, the knight covers d2 and f2, and the rest are blocked by white's pieces

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