Ruley Tunes.mp3 to – 99 points –


Well, in the spirit of Woody Guthrie's guitar, I think I have to post All you fascists bound to lose

Of course; absolute banger that I love to bits. Big fan of Phil Ochs too, who I feel like is a bit of a spiritual successor.

Urine Speaks Louder Than Words by Wingnut Dishwashers Union

If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next by Manic Street Preachers

Abortus Vrij de Vrouw Beslist! by Basta! Translates as Abortion Free, The Woman Decides. Belgian antifascist pro-choice song from the 70s. Amazing saxophone solo.

Ghosts of Cable Street by The Men They Couldn't Hang - Tells the story of a real piece of history. Oswald Mosley tried to lead a march through the East End, and a bunch of dock workers and factory boys with pipes and two by fours showed up to beat his ass into the ground.

James Connolly by Black 47 - I think it's fair to call songs about Irish socialists fighting British oppression "anti-fascist", and this one is a banger.

Come Out Ye Black And Tans by The Maguire Brothers - See above. It's a traditional with many versions available, but I quite like this one. The Devitts version is also superb.

People's Champ by The Arkells - Take your pick as to whether this is talking about Doug Ford or Donald Trump, but it's a damn good fuck you to right wing populist either way.

I've been looking for a song I like about cable street -- it's one of those few bits of English history that I can feel proud of.

I like Tom Waits' version of Bella Ciao -

Cool version -- I quite like the chumbawamba one too, but they're very different and will happily coexist in my playlist.

Most Partisan songs are bangers, I would recommend "La brigata Garibaldi" , written by the same socialist partisans that ended up capturing Benito Mussolini.

We Are the Ground - Mischief Brew

Hopefully pipedbot chimes in here, I'd rather not link directly to YouTube, but I know it makes for a friendlier experience to have the original link.

I don't know how antifascist this song is but Tucker Carlson Sucks by Ricky Rochelle is a pretty good one. I swear with all the punk rock I listen to, I thought I would have more explicitly antifaschist songs in my library.

I not sure if these count as explicitly antifascist, but I really like Kingmaker by Great American Ghost and Saurian King by Shadow of Intent. Kingmaker's about QAnon and Saurian King is about the rise of the Nazis.

Can't link it right now. But "the only good fascist is a very dead fascist" by Propagandhi.

Edit: can't forget about "it's okay to punch Nazis - cheap perfume"