Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’ to politics – 395 points –
Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’

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I certainly never said it’s causative, but it doesn’t make any real difference in terms of the way that this country is going.

I don't follow.

If everyone voted and the dems had a very clear majority that would make a very real difference in terms of the way the country is going.

If progressives like your good self withhold their vote in protest, the best we will get is the dems just barely getting up - the shitty status quo we have presently.

We’ve been told that all our lives, but look at the current dems, they aren’t going to fix anything. I’ve hired people, if I had these three resumes in front of me, my conclusion is that they all will make things worse, so I would not hire any of them. Call it a protest non-vote if it makes you feel any better but incrementalism means nothing when we’ve all pulled that least evil lever in hopes for improvement while the world burns, while we participate in another mass killing, when my children need to have the same fights that I, and my parents, and grandparents have been fighting.

I think the system is broken, the ship is going down so I truly no longer care who captains it, I’m busy looking for a liferaft.

You have a habit of speaking in metaphors, but none are really analogous.

if I had these three resumes in front of me, my conclusion is that they all will make things worse, so I would not hire any of them

If you don't choose the best, someone else is going to hire the worst on your behalf and you'll be stuck with them.

the ship is going down so I truly no longer care who captains it, I’m busy looking for a liferaft

Voting will not distract you from looking for a life-raft, the right captain will not murder the other passengers, and there's no life-raft anyway.

We’ve been told that all our lives,

Not evidence that its not true.

look at the current dems, they aren’t going to fix anything.

Precisely because they don't have enough votes to fix anything, because voters are lost to this "both sides are just as bad" narrative from the conservatives.

Again, I’ve heard and made all these same arguments. I’ve been told for decades that we just need to vote harder. I do realize that if we had an overwhelming election that things may change but when we look at who’s currently running, the fact that we’re putting up a guy who’s doing everything possible to create his own Vietnam for reasons I simply cannot fathom, tells me that those in power really give zero shits.

If there was some reason to be inspired or believe that my vote will make things better, then sign me up. But I’ve done it for ages and my voice of rationality has always been drowned out by the shallowest thinkers on the planet. I have no faith left that it will ever be different.

You keep saying you've heard my arguments before, but don't seem able to directly rebut them?

Just because you've been told something many times does not make it untrue.

Voting for the best option even though it's not perfect, is not how we ended up here.

We ended up here because people don't vote. As I've said many times (and you haven't responded) conservatives don't want you to vote. They want you feeling despondent and defeated and apathetic as you do.

You don't need to "vote harder", you just need to vote.