Doesn't matter how you try to justify it... to Lefty – 493 points –

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Lol so you are cherry picking your flavour of Christianity.

I'm done, have a nice day dickhead.

I'll see you in hell for failing to bash gays over the head with bricks.

So you are cherry picking your flavor of Communism.


Now fuck off

As I said, hypocrisy.

As I said, fuck off.

You're exactly why I hate religion, you make me sick. Go to hell.

The exposure of your own hypocrisy? I can understand why you'd be opposed to that. That doesn't make your opposition righteous. Mostly just sad.

Look how pathetic you are that you need to get the last comment to win the argument.

Don't you think Jesus would want you to turn the other cheek and walk away?

Do you think your behavior elevates the fundamental equality implicit to communism?


Clearly you're a Bad Communist, or perhaps a Good Communist by Mao's metric

Man, this is really a sore point for you huh? You are really so desperate to get the last comment in so you can prove to yourself you didn't lose?

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