Google Chrome change that weakens ad blockers begins June 3rd to – 541 points –
Google Chrome change that weakens ad blockers begins June 3rd

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That's not a new concept, look up "mining towns" or Detroit.

Thanks, babe, I’m perfectly aware it’s not new. I just find it ironic that a tech company would invest in dorms instead of remote work 😾

Kind of like Ready Player One then...

I didn’t think of that movie, but you’re right!

The book is better and way nerdier. If you want ultimate nerdiness, the audiobook is narrated by Wil Wheaton!

I don't know how he wasn't audibly smiling when he read the part about himself though.

That actually sounds kinda nice until you get fired. Lose your job and home in the same week.

The main problem with company towns is that the company leverages its monopoly and charges you a lot for everything.