Reader's Block

The Picard to ADHD – 891 points –

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I have this WHILE reading. I'll just start reading a page, and after the first words my mind wanders, but my eyes keep reading the words. Then when I reach the end of the page I realize that I have no idea what I just read.

I enjoy doing this. I'm usually thinking about the book I'm reading, so, while it might take me twice as long to finish a book, I also got to experience much more of the book, even if it was just my imagination.

Of course, it's an absolute bitch when it's something I have to read within a certain time frame, like for school or something.

Then you have to go back and was a big reason why when I took tests back in the day I would do horribly on them. Math, science, and anything that was non literate I would do great on.

For me, I can usually get out of this by taking a walk. No headphones, just listening to my surroundings. Helps me to clear my head. Or a workout.