Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare to – 1288 points –
Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare

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Just love all the ChatGPT ads embedded in the article.

And before all the “jUsT uSe An Ad BlOcKeR” messages, I’m on a phone using the main browser and have nothing set up where I’m at (DNS/etc) to block ads.

It’s amazing how many poorly-written articles are being posted about Linux lately, and on top of it, has ads for the very thing they’re talking about switching to Linux to avoid. Almost as if it wasn’t written by a human.

EDIT>> And there they are. Get a life.

jUsT uSe fiREfoX MoBilE wITh UbLoCk!!

Why does it matter if you're on a phone? Download Firefox, add uBlock Origin extension, done.

In addition to Firefox, you can also use Tracker Controller if you want. It blocks everything but essential connections by default and you need to enable others to get things to work, but once you're set up it's great. This applies to all applications, not just your browser.

Thanks! If I ever get an Android phone I’ll look into that.

I’m on a phone using the main browser and have nothing set up where I’m at (DNS/etc) to block ads.

Sounds like a you problem.

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