Four more Israeli hostages have died in Hamas custody to World – 110 points –
Four more Israeli hostages have died in Hamas custody

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Yknow, I won't even say it's not hard. It can be so hard when you're bombarded by horrific images and stories every day. It sucks and it puts people into very passionate mindsets. Passion is the death of reason though, and we'd all be better served engaging our super ego a bit, taking a deep breath, and saying "Hey, I'm upset right now, but I need to try to look at this objectively". You don't have to shove anything under a rug. You don't have to make excuses for anyone. Just... try to think separate from your feelings. It's a useful exercise.

Israel is committing war crimes and genocide in Gaza. Hamas committed horrific acts of terrorism on Oct 6 and had continued to commit horrific acts concerning the hostages. We can keep going and listing every little thing going back millenia, but we cannot lose sight of the fact that both of these groups are religious extremism writ large, deserve condemnation, and are actively persecuting the Palestinian people.

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