Billionaires in Silicon Valley are opening up to Trump. It's not just because of taxes. to politics – 110 points –
Billionaires in Silicon Valley are opening up to Trump. It's not just because of taxes.

Donald Trump is set for a major stop in the 2024 money race Thursday when he travels to Silicon Valley for a high-profile fundraiser with tech billionaires.


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the only other reason is racism. haha nope, its still all about money.

it might not be "taxes" but its still taxes they dont want to pay.

Biden’s tax plan begins next year when Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy expire.

It is not good for $400K+ earners, corporations, executives, or billionaires. It’s no surprise they’re siding with Trump over money.

It’s probably a little about racism too.

These people really need to read up on Fritz Thyssen, Jack Ma or any one of the many Russian oligarchs who've been defenestrated, ventilated or irradiated under Putin.

A small amount of taxes in a functioning democracy when you're already a billionaire is a lot cheaper than a hole in your chest under a thin-skinned fascist autocrat.

None of these folks think they'll be a line in Niemoller's poem. They're horribly wrong.

If billionaires thought in the long term, they wouldn't be billionaires.

A reasonable person sees that they have $500 million in the bank and says to themselves 'I can spend $1 million a year for the rest of my life and still leave plenty to the kids. Guess I'll retire.'

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