Defragged Zebra to Programmer – 1108 points –

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I was about to throw hands, but then I learned something new about how SSDs store data in pre-argument research. My poor SSDs. I've been killing them.

No you didn‘t. All somewhat current operating systems do not defrag SSDs, they just run TRIM and it does not kill them.

Most modern OSeses do defragmentation on the fly and you don't really need to do it anymore.

Which makes me sad because I have so many memories of watching a disk defragmenter do its thing from my childhood.

Here's a little game I made because I missed it too.

That was super cool.

Thanks. It was a silly toy, but it scratched an itch, and was good for at least one chuckle.

I loved watching disk defragmenter doing it‘s job as a kid. I miss it too!

real actually. definitely one of the most memorable progress bars. well, that and the bios update progress bar