Google and Apple are hosting an app dedicated to TheDonald and other far-right forums that were banned from Reddit. to – 172 points –
Google and Apple are hosting an app dedicated to TheDonald and other far-right forums that were banned from Reddit

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I mean Biden supports Israeli genocide... Or is he a conservative these days? Can't keep up with imaginary American bullshit.

Non sequiturs are not answers to the question I asked. Biden is not left of Bernie or AOC.

You're like this meme where lefties enemy number one is another lefty (: Everyone is wrong but you. Of course.

Who said that? I asked you to explain your position. I never said anyone was bad.

You in a previous comment.

Prove it. But first, answer my question. Trying to divert the conversation won't disguise the fact that you're making false equivalences based upon nothing.

Prove what? You're talking bull shit and just wiggling your way around, lol. Grow up.

Prove...anything, honestly. Prove that I called anyone bad (I didn't, in any comment). Prove that there are mainstream leftists currently advocating for mass murder. Prove that you're not just making up everything you're saying based on "feels." Grow up? I'm not the one pretending that my opinions are more important than the facts.

You're constantly contradicting yourself and shifting the goalposts. Grow up.

How can I have contradicted myself when I haven't made a single assertion? I've literally only been asking you to explain your statement.

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