Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time to – 331 points –
Fortune 100 get Java audit letters for the first time

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Sorry, no, I will not go back to my abuser because they say it's different this time.

Like I said - cynicism.


Buddy I'd love to introduce you to reality some day.

Is that a threat?

Only if you fear reality?

Depends on how you "introduce me to reality"

Do you always make vague threats when someone disagrees with you on the internet?

Do you always take sarcastic insults as threats?

Not usually. Are you always this poor of a communicator?

Maybe you're just a bit thick.

You're having the same conversation with me on multiple threads and it's me who is thick? It seems like you're personally insulted when someone does not choose the tech stack that you identify with. It's a language, not a religion, you're going to be ok. I have my reasons not to like it and you do not have to approve. Get over yourself.