All three game console makers, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, have now abandoned X (formerly Twitter) integration to – 1624 points –
All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration

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Twitter has a pretty solid metal (music) community that I've come to know and appreciate over time. We share new bands, our opinions on albums, all that good stuff.

Not everything has to be related to politics. People aren't "suspicious" because they don't share all your views.

This is problem with platform lock in. Be it discord, X, FB groups, Reddit. Communities form and then fragment as the members who realize there are better open options leave.

The users of the web have enough desktop and laptop cpu cycles to spare for passing a few decentralized messages around without killing battery life or performance. We don’t need these experience degrading/dehumanizing ad platforms to underpin our internet. That’s just a narrative peddled by companies who aim to make obscene profit on top of their already obscene profits.