North Dakotans Approve Age Limit for Members of Congress to politics – 415 points –
North Dakotans Approve Age Limit for Members of Congress

Surprisingly based from ND, to be completely honest


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While I think mandatory retirement ages need to be discussed across the board on all three branches, it's a cheap shot and unconstitutional

Why is it unconstitutional? We have age minimums. If you are a commercial pilot there are age limits.

Because right now there are no age limitations in the Constitution for elected officials. A state cannot change that, it needs a constitutional amendment.

What? I thought you had to be 35+ to be POTUS. Am I wrong?

How's it unconstitutional? There are lower age limits to all of these offices too.

The are age requirements for minimum age but not limited age. You would have to have a constitutional amendment to change that.

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