AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent to – 513 points –
AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent

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You have a system that steals copyrighted materials, sucks up power, and spits out constantly wrong and occasionally dangerous "facts", something created by people that can be removed from our world by having governments step in and forbid its use, and you think it's like a natural constant of the world?

Go fuck yourself. With a sharp stick. You are part of the problem right now along with the fucking fascist right-wing assholes. Go away.

I mean that is an option. Much like banning nuclear weapons, it's easier said than done.

"Using LLMs for so-called 'artificial intelligence' computing solutions, being anti-human, inefficient, and encouraging the theft of public data, is no longer allowed."

Wow, that was hard. "BUT PEOPLE WILL STILL DO IT!!!" Murder is illegal and people still do it. That's why we have enforcement of laws.

Believe me, I love debating laws and policy, but I'm 99% sure you're taking the piss and any discussion wouldn't be in good faith.

If you aren't just trolling, take a few minutes to read up on why the US (and every country with the capability) hasn't decided to dismantle their entire nuclear stockpile, or stopped research into nuclear weapons. If you don't have time, the 10,000 foot overview is no one wants to fall behind, if they do they they fear that they wouldn't be able to defend themselves against the same... AI is no different, tell the world to stop researching it and all you guarantee is that countries that don't listen to the global community will outpace the ones that "play fair".

Where the fuck did you get your discussion of fucking nuclear weapons to inject into this discussion? Did you need some bullshit topic that you can use to divert people from the fact that I'm completely fucking right and you're talking out of your goddamn ass? This isn't even close to the concept of the nuclear stalemate; this is a country choosing to do what is right and if other countries want to allow their companies and citizens to destroy copyright and waste power, then that's their problem. If you equate global thermonuclear war with us not being able to generate fucking AI porn and getting out of your writing assignments by asking AI to do it for you, you have a serious learning disability.

Dude, you jumped from "theft" to murder in under 50 words, no need for the hostilities and it doesn't have the slightest thing to do with "AI porn" or answering writing prompts. While that can be a use of AI, its similar to the way you can use a pizza cutter to slice cheese if you want (even if that's not what it excels at).

In a digital age, the ability to train a model on a specific topic and use it to automatically iterate through an instruction set (while "learning" about outcomes outside of the original training material), can be the difference between thinking your infrastructure is secure or actually securing it.

LLMs have their use in the world, a lot more use than stuff like copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Ever wonder why you can easily get a cheap ripoff of patented goods? Its because not all countries follow the laws of other countries.

All that being said, you don't have to agree, it changes nothing and having opposing views actually makes the world a better place as it spurs discussion and thought. Thank you for being part of such a great community, and thank you for engaging with me and others!

Cool it kiddo.

If you say fuck you every time you hear an opinion you don't like then YOU are the problem

With all the abuse and technical problems it still has, there I definitely a place for LLMs and AI on this world where it improves lives.

Not that you would know that with your "FUCK YOU LLALALALALALA I CANNOT HEAR YOU" attitude

Only the lives of rich assholes making bank on this garbage technology. You're the one with your fingers in your ears sucking up to the rich corporations and their anti-human, power-sucking, thieving technology.

Just be silent.

Weather predictions nusing AI were outpacing traditional models back in the 90s already. You can't trust them but they're a good backup.

AI can help with analyzing pet and mri scans to detect cancers and other problems. Again, AI being AI you can't 100% trust it but its a nice extra to point at possible issues.

Just two out of a shit tonne of actual applications that have shit to do with AI Facebook posts.

I see you've got some big feelings about this. Maybe try to express them without the hateful abusive language. Hope your day gets better!

Maybe you should try actually having some strong feelings for things that matter in this world, then maybe you'd feel like spouting "hateful abusive" language at people who are hateful and abusive towards our entire society and way of life.

What a concept.

You seem to know so much about me, simply from the observation that you can't "ban" an entire concept like that in the real world. Amazing!

Write a law that says you can't do it. Prosecute those who try. Congratulations, you've banned it. "BUT BUT BUT PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY!!!!!!!11!!!1!" Guess what else is against the law ("banned") and people do anyway? Murder. Theft. Tons of atrocities. Should we remove those laws, then, because it's going to happen anyway? Fuck no.

There is a distinct lack of common sense going around these days, and it's people who push garbage like this, veganism, religion, anti-car bullshit, and tons of other things that show that we're basically fucked.

So write a law against certain advanced mathematics. And prosecute anyone who uses advanced math. Best of luck with that. AI is math. You're demonstrating that you don't understand what the technology actually is or does by comparing algorithms to objectively immoral actions.

In real life, the cat does not go back into the bag. You can legislate behavior to shape society, to an extent. You can't legislate what kinds of math people are allowed to do, it's just not going to work.

You're not operating within the realm of reality, which is why people don't take you seriously.

I know, I know, go fuck myself, I'm an anti-human, not worthy of life, etc. I get it, you can spare me the reply.

Enjoy yourself bud.