Supreme Court rejects challenge to abortion pill mifepristone to politics – 248 points –
Supreme Court rejects challenge to abortion pill mifepristone | CNN Politics

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Don’t be fooled by this decision. Christofascists in SCOTUS are waiting for repubes to pass legislation that will ban these meds after which the same SCOTUS will rubber stamp the law.

Vote because your democracy depends on it

Dems need to get off their asses and solidify rvw into law.

They. Cannot. Do. This. Legislators cannot just wake up really motivated one day and enshrine reproductive rights. They need numbers, and we have to give it to them for that to happen. There's no alternative, no magical ideal route just waiting for the perfect congress person. Republicans will pull out all the stops on this, so you need a filibuster-proof majority. Give the Dems that and you'll get reproductive rights.

4 months (with a flimsy proper majority due to Lieberman) gave us the ACA, one of the most impactful pieces of legislation regarding healthcare the country has ever seen. We need to vote in large numbers to achieve our political ends.

The Republicans seem to be really good at passing bullshit laws, the dems just don't seem to be able to get it together. And yea they have had a few sessions where they were filibuster proof majority...

They had 4 months. And they passed the ACA.

Which was written by the insurance companies, and hasn't done really any good. They should have crammed through single payer while tossing up their middle fingers to the red team.

hasn't done really any good.

My partner was able to have a surgery this year she would not have been able to otherwise. She got medications she never would have been able to afford. Sure looks like a bunch of good from over here, but maybe I'm biased. Maybe we can ask them?

They tried with soldify access to contraceptives but the GQP shot it down

They should keep trying for abortion access and contraceptives but with the current Congress it's going to be an uphill battle to say the least

Literally what they're paid to do. I'm so tired of them getting a pass because the GOP will cause problems...they seem to constantly let the gop pass shit laws.

I'm sorry that you give the dems a pass, while the repubs seem to be just steamrolling shit into law. Either this country is not as left leaning as people think or the repubs get shit done with less support.

Can you give me an example of a law steam rolled into place by Republicans in the way you describe? Should be easy.

Edit: Any of the downvoting cowards can feel free to chime in with the republican-passed laws that they shoved past the democratic attempts to stop them. I'll wait!

You're joking right? Literally turned the SCOTUS red, and removed RvW all within the last few years. The red team continues to steamroll the blue team, all while the blue team just says they can't do anything cause they're going to get blocked by the red team...

Right so you have no idea how our government works. I ask for laws and I get SCOTUS. You view it that way because it is all one big number in your head shifting back and forth, because you have no civics education. It's sad.

Dude what the fuck are you talking about, tons of negative shit was passed by trump and the repubs just in his 4 years. Do you want me to go back to bush era?

Almost everything listed is an executive order. Democrats cannot stop those (other than at the ballot box). Try again. L-A-W. It's a bill, passed by both chambers of Congress, signed by the president. Like the Affordable Care Act, the Inflation Reduction Act? Can you give me a single one? Hell, I even left the doors wide open to give me the fucking omnibus from each year and you couldn't even do that. Know why? Because you have no idea how your government works.

Lol you didn't even read the first few lines of that link. But w/e man. We're in this situation because people like you give dems a pass.

Edit: Yknow what, fuck it. Let's just call it. You're trying to de-escalate and I should let that happen. Have a good one.

No they don't.

Sure they do. But they don't right now.

They're not Trump. That's the vote. You can be a single-issue voter if you like, because we all are. Our single-voter issue is preserving the ability to vote other issues later.

RvW is important; my god, is it important. School-kid safety is important. Gun safety is important. Healthcare is important.

Democracy is crucial. It keeps those other things possible. We lose that and every.other.important.matter is dead. It's cutting off the nose to spite the face. It's fiddling while Rome burns. It's deck chairs on the Titanic. It's a lively sports discussion while you're landing the Hindenburg.

You want RvW? Vote Biden for a chance or it's not happening ever. I want strong gun safety regs and healthcare. Biden for a glimmer of hope or nothing at all.

The pattern is real. Every single-issue voter needs to protect their issue by voting not-Trump, and we argue our real issues once we can safely do so.

At the risk of sounding like I'm disagreeing, I mean, technically those things remain possible, it's just that acquiring them requires a great deal of organized violence that we aren't prepared to inflict.

Also, accelerationism is bad and it literally never works out well for us. Pinch your nose and vote for Biden in '24.