anyone else see that face and need a hit of Parkinson’s?? to Lemmy – 140 points –

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Euphoria from Dying Brain Cells

A controversial new experimental drug, extracted from the brains of elderly individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, has become highly sought after by the nation's elite. Known as "Sweet Memories", the drug is said to provide an unparalleled euphoric sensation without any side effects. Despite being non-addictive, several users, who preferred to remain anonymous, confessed that they could not get enough of it. Reports have surfaced that some elderly patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are voluntarily selling their brain tissue in hopes of financially supporting their families. "My family gets some money, and I don’t have to suffer through a miserable life. It’s a win-win situation." said 67-year-old Jena, who agreed to have her brain harvested for an undisclosed sum paid by the royal family.

Jesus. The worst thing about this is that one might actually believe it for a short time. I did for a glance of a moment before recognising that this had to be satire. Something good: satire is nod dead yet :D

It's obviously satire. The royal family would do this in complete secrecy.

This sounds like something right out of a sci-fi dystopia

Sell your brain to a rich as a drug. Sometimes reality is more absurd than fiction

Also I’m pretty sure Mr. Burns would do this so ig it all checks out

Edit: if this is satire in my defense I have had very little coffee all day

in my defense I have had very little coffee all day.

Completely understandable.