Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful to – 263 points –
Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful

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Biden and the dems are not 2a friendly...but neither is any repub or trumpers. Both are true.

Rich people want to take away the ability of us poor commoners to resist their oppression and defend ourselves.

Yup, we all fight eaxh other for table scraps while they eat the full meal. Our fight shouldn't be us vs each other. It should be us vs them.

Edit: who the fuck is down voting this lol

In that case, it's weird that you're telling that to me and not the Trump person who replied to me who suggested the opposite.

Shouldn't you be replying to them?

Here, I'll help:

Let me know when you've replied to them about it. (I won't be holding my breath.)

Apparently the way Lemmy's link creation works makes all first-level replies to your comment the same link AS your comment. So, in providing the link 'to be helpful', you only linked to your own comment. That's not actually helpful and so it doesn't come across in the best way.

And yet they knew what I was linking to because they, like me, know how Lemmy works. And you know they knew because they were talking about that post.

Oof. Nevermind, then. Tried to show you why being an asshole about it might have backfired, but keep being jaded!

Just FYI, I was responding to a libertarian regular who thinks there should essentially be no gun regulations.

Also, they're a bigot.

They won’t say it out loud…even though it’s a massive part of it. The youth are staring at a shit load of immigrants from hard right religious countries yelling at how they want to turn their country into a Shira law shit hole…but no it’s the social media…

You might possibly be backing the wrong horse.

He can go kick rocks. I'm trying to help you.

From an outsider perspective, it looks like you told him to "go respond to this guy instead", but linked the same comment that it was already responding to. It was confusing and made you look like the asshole in the situation, which I'm trying to help prevent in the future.

I'm not sure how else to link to someone's post than to do it the only way Lemmy allows you to do it.

I read that as sarcasm for some reason

I see you have not responded to them about how Trump is not friendly toward the Second Amendment. Looks like I was correct to not have held my breath.

Again, maybe I'm reading it wrong but I thought their comment was sarcasm. The orange turnip is not a 2a advocate.

Maybe you should make sure they're aware of it just in case you're reading it wrong.

I doubt you will though. Please, do prove me incorrect on that.

bro look at the comment link you posted it is your comment link

That's how posting links in Lemmy works. It shows you the context, one link above yours.

Here is the link to the post you just made. Feel free to open it in a new tab and see I'm right:

Probably best to know how Lemmy works before making such a silly criticism.