House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft to – 338 points –
House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft

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the federal student loans and grants would not be dispersed if you were not signed up by a certain date

That was apparently repealed in 2020.

Wish it would've happened sooner. There was some issue with my school's financial aid office every freaking semester. A week before classes started, I would get a letter that all my financial aid was canceled for failing to register, and I'd have to go in and prove I had. After the 4th time, they finally took a photocopy of my registration and had me sign an affidavit and appended it to my file.

i did not know that, thank you for letting me know, it's good that they repealed that, for my area it wouldn't have made a difference for myself registering as our high school had all of the males do it as part of a civics class.