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i didn't downvote but 17v on a 12v battery maybe seems a bit high. I'm more used to about 7-14% over (maybe up to 14v on a 12v batt) when charged/floating but i don't use solar anywhere currently, and i usually work on 48v systems. i normally expect to see about 54v on a fully charged battery string (13.5v per battery x4) with the rectifiers running.

i also second the opinion of running an automotive PSU for this situation.

edit: i looked it up since i was curious, some "12v" solar panels can output between 16-20v, but it's recommended that you would use a charge controller, especially if you have lead-acid batteries

i think it is disingenuous to represent that AC is a standard or required by law for a rental anywhere, at least in the US. I do find it shitty that the AC included with the unit is damaged, and land(slum)lord won't fix it, but again, unless it's in the lease there really is no requirement that the LL provide it in US. I think it is good to start a discussion on if AC for a rental should be the law, (edit: i also would strongly support this) but i doubt we will see that become the case, especially in southern states which probably would need it most.

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that didn't have any list of states, but my curiosity lead me here https://propertyclub.nyc/article/apartment-air-conditioning-laws#what-states-require-air-conditioning

i was pleasantly surprised to find 24 states that do require it, with some other states that have some loopholes.

it looked like it was a US marshal. it doesn't justify a life, but i would be hard pressed to find a marshal that would react differently to an attempted car jacking.

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i wish the govt was in charge of maintaining the infrastructure, and i wish the govt owned the infrastructure then prioritized passenger traffic over freight so we could get some semblance of a working regional rail system.

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i think the issue is not necessarily that voters who are disappointed by biden on this issue would vote for trump directly, or even think he would make a different or "better" choice but instead may not turn out, or vote for a 3rd party candidate. with the race as close as it is now, that might be all it takes.

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if you are on an expressway, and often roads smaller, usually grade crossings are avoided if possible. either the rail is on a bridge, and the road dips under, or the road is on a bridge and crosses the rail. it won't show as a hazard on the route in either of those cases.

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i would expect your lengthy research would have included "router model default password", "reset password router model" and "port forward on router model"

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i think they are referencing map apps vs gps as a technology

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One math error alone leaves taxpayers on the hook for roughly $400 million more than they should be.

que dr evil air quotes around the "math error"

fair enough, i struck out part of my comment, but i'll leave it up for context.

i absolutely agree, my point is less that there are or are not health concerns, just that it is currently not a requirement, at least anywhere I have lived. i believe it should be, but I know that the south passing legislation that helps vulnerable people at the expense of those who own property is probably never going to happen. i just felt like it was odd that the article was stating that there is no law in the state, without emphasizing that most states do not either.

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the federal student loans and grants would not be dispersed if you were not signed up by a certain date

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at face value it seems better than nothing, but in reality if the data can be bought then it doesn't really help in the end. what would be more effective (imo) in protecting privacy would be to prevent the collection of data in the first place.

Also included is the NY Thruway which was a toll road that was integrated into the interstate system in several parts.

as someone who does stuff in my lab that can translate to a work context, i absolutely second this opinion.

if i am labbing to learn, then learning the best way to do it is always be the main focus, even if it means restarting what I was doing to change how some prerequisite is setup or functions.

today, OP is working with jellyfin, but as an example, what happens if later they get security cameras and want to use some sort of local ML to analyze events, and don't want to put a lot cpu utilization to that task during lulls in activity? a solution might be to dynamically create and destroy containers for the analysis tasks, and the background on a network setup in an unrelated container stack that would allow scaling that means one less problem to solve later.

might be some vets feel anti-war = anti-vet (it doesn't)

in order for the vehicle to have plates, it must have the state minimum liability insurance. your auto plan probably explicitly excludes rentals unless you pay extra or have some premium coverage.

cheap, targets bad credit

You are still not wrong about our rail system, god forbid a passenger train hold up a freight train for one second, won't someone think of the shareholders???

weird way to write the headline for a "re-trial" kinda has a sort of inflammatory aftertaste, paired with the lack of effort, like not even changing the default banner image..

short between pairs probably. tdr (time domain reflectometer) cable tester should help locate fault. might be pinched somewhere or something else

there are "casts" you can get to repair buried cable. usually used in copper telephone plant, i wouldn't trust it to certify to a gig but you could use it for a backup link or if you play with pots at some point. or "temporary repair"

or they don't want to give free sound clips taken out of context for attack ads?

and would you put executive privilege in quotes if it was the broke cheeto man?

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ac condensate drain? turn on ac max, wait a few (10) minutes and check for a puddle or water drip under car

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i buy my domains from namecheap but i use cloudflare for name servers (free tier, dns only for everything) and have ddclient (or whatever the newest version is called now) which runs on my router. my current settings only update cloudflare when the interface changes, and then update time after the change is about 15 minutes for propagation. i work in the network department of my isp so my address doesn't change often, but the isp side of my setup is identical to any other subscriber. i use opnsense, but also manage a very small pfsense box that this works on as well. i update ipv4 dynamically, but not ipv6 yet, but i will.

i did not know that, thank you for letting me know, it's good that they repealed that, for my area it wouldn't have made a difference for myself registering as our high school had all of the males do it as part of a civics class.

it does not dry out, only accumulates. too much humidity for any water to evaporate in an effectively sealed container.

after fixing my original issue I needed to wet vac under the carpets, then i left it with a blower with all the doors open, and even after that damp rid after i was sure the car was "dry" but my windows would still fog and it still smelled mildewed

you speak with such confidence, but i have experienced this before. different make and model.

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12-24 from a telco guy, buy a 12-24 tap to help take the paint off

hardwire for testing? then when settled do the full install. maybe use a different laptop.

i looked at the cross-post, do you have the spec sheets for transceivers? do you have any sort of filter / mux panel.