Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws to – 231 points –
Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws

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Over the past year, Pornhub had to make the difficult decision to block access to users in numerous American states due to newly passed Age Verification laws (Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina, Mississippi). In July 2024, we will unfortunately be blocking several more states who are introducing similar laws. (Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky and Nebraska.)

Pornhub should buy a VPN service. Just cut out the middle man.

The middle-man provides plausible deniability in this case. PornHub can genuinely say they don't see connections from age-verification states atm. That stops being true if they host the VPN, making them aware of actual client locations.

Wonder if a parent company could own them both.

That would be a liability, and they would go after the parent company crying foul play.

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