EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones to – 610 points –
EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones

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The real offenders (except for some stupid rookies) move to the dark web and won't touch the official apps while politicians use this power to scan for political and environmental activists, opponents and critics.

I said the same to a coworker this week. If i were to be part or manage an illegal ring like csam, id make my own protocol/app that just uses encryption. Youre already doing illegal shit, go one further so you dont get caught

Probably won't even need anonymizers for this! Chances are concealing usage of your own server would not be that hard on the clearnet either.

No it will be. Having your own XMPP/IRC server doesn't prevent the NSA from spying on your metadata, and that's exactly what will happen. It's just that TOR and I2P will likely see an increase in traffic

Indeed. Protecting the metadata is already a completely different task from protecting the contents. But how would this law in particular change this aspect? It concerns message contents, surveillance of metadata stays the same (aka full). I was saying this about getting back access to encrypted messaging even with a low threat model.