Does anyone know the status of #funkwhale? The website ( has been down for a couple days now. #fediverse

Tucker to Open – 37 points –

Does anyone know the status of #funkwhale? The website ( has been down for a couple days now. #fediverse @opensource


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Is it a scam?

@aciDC14 @opensource Not sure what you mean; Funkwhale is a self-hostable application for streaming music. Uses ActivityPub for sharing, too.

v2 was in the planning stages on their forum, but the website has now been down for 2-3 days (that I know of).

I honestly don’t understand the dislikes.

Idk. I never heard of the website and there's a lot of weird mentions

Funkwhale is part of the Fediverse. The site they mention is a single instance.

ETA: It's a single instance, but also the main landing page for feeding people to various docs and instances.

It's a legit fediverse software for sharing music. I don't know anything about specific instances though.