Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them to – 1019 points –
  • Microsoft removes guide on converting Microsoft accounts to Local, pushing for Microsoft sign-ins.
  • Instructions once available, now missing - likely due to company's preference for Microsoft accounts.
  • People may resist switching to Microsoft accounts for privacy reasons, despite company's stance.

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Windows 11 Enterprise likely uses a different OOBE, I just tell it to join during setup. At work, everything is image-based and pre-configured so no standard OOBE.

Like most things at MS, those with the resources get everything they want while the little guy gets screwed.

*smacks forehead

Ah yes, I forgot about the existence of Entrprise edition. I've just never dealt with a business that paid for such a thing, I guess.

Yup, you can DL enterprise Win11 for free to, just gotta know how to grab it from MS.

Haha, I work for one of Microsoft’s biggest customers and they still treat us like shit. Trust me they don’t do favors for anybody. They honestly do not care.