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Joined 9 months ago

Oh right, so not the actual gun toting fuckheads with a Union Jack flag running around out there in sundown towns.

Fuckin’ Red Coats…

What’s even crazier is that corporate customers don’t actually deal with this in any way! There’s no Microsoft account required on an Active Directory controlled PC.

Source: I am big corporate IT. Oh, and my personal AD deployment, outside of work

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You don’t even need the controller to set them up anymore. You can run them as standalone APs by configuring with the app.

You miss out on a lot of features that way, but they work fine.

They generally don’t scream to “go back to your own country” when that happens.

Windows 11 Enterprise likely uses a different OOBE, I just tell it to join during setup. At work, everything is image-based and pre-configured so no standard OOBE.

Like most things at MS, those with the resources get everything they want while the little guy gets screwed.

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Probably the person that threw the rock and murdered her???

It is the only approved method for data destruction for the several banks and government agencies I support. If they trust it, I trust it.

I have checked a couple of times out of curiosity, after a secure erase the drive is as clean as if it had been DBANed. Sometimes things are standards because they work properly.

For example they could refuse to implement reactions or typing indicators

Reactions already work in MMS groups, use them every day.

or they could even deliberately compress videos

Except they’re already advertising improved quality of photos and video in non-iMessage chats. Doubt they would advertise a specific feature only to make it worse.

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If you treat a gun like your keys or wallet then you shouldn’t be carrying it.

I don’t leave my keys or wallet unattended. Is that something people do?

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Well, it just says they’re including it with Game Pass. So you have the option of not actually purchasing the game for $70 (every year!) but you still get to play. There’s a lot of good games for both Xbox and PC so it’s a decent value proposition for a lot of people.

I don’t buy AAA games, so it’s kind of nice to have the option to play some of them without a big upfront investment. The real stars are the smaller and indie games.

It’s not for everyone, but for the cost of a Netflix subscription I can play a shitload of games on my PC and my kids get a huge library on the console.

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It was firmware-level, and installed itself. Reinstalling the OS was not a solution.

I mean, that’s already covered by testing. Women’s and men’s sports have different limits, USADA isn’t as dumb as you think.

Unless you’re just completely unaware that such an agency exists, then you just don’t understand how competitive sports actually work.

Yeah, only four times this week. Rolling distro life.

I’ve worked for both individual owners and corporate owners, and it really really depends on the franchise. Chick-Fil-A is like owning a money printer as an individual owner. Pizza Hut is nearly impossible for even a large company to run profitably.

My last job was with the largest operator of both Pizza Hut and Wendy’s in the US, they filed for bankruptcy two months after I quit because Pizza Hut was such a loss that even the Wendy’s profits could not cover the losses.

I currently work with a bunch of CFA operators and no one owns more than two stores and they all seem to do quite well for themselves while paying their employees pretty damn good wages.

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It was on Ally McBeal and then in other mainstream media for years. It was the origin of the term “viral video”.

You absolutely can, it’s just not easy.

Quite literally the text of the Computer Fraud and Abuse act. Unauthorized access of computer systems can get you 20-years at club fed. Seems like some of these people need a history lesson.

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You could use Emby instead. Jellyfin is the FOSS version of Emby and Emby has apps for everything. I moved to Emby from Plex five years ago or so and it’s been great.

Your first link is the same case as the OP. It just keeps getting bigger and more complex.

Virtualization is not “emulating” and a bare metal install is a bare metal installation. These are standard terms. And it’s a hypervisor, no idea what the hell a hypervision is.

I mean I guess it's better than xbox or playstations method which I honestly have no figured out yet.

Yeah, way better than… selecting the share button(?)

You’re trading HFCS for plain old sugar. Most fruits are approximately 50/50 fructose and glucose, while HFCS is between 42% and 55% fructose, with the balance being glucose.

Chemically and biologically, they are basically the same.

It’s quite literally in the disclosures and the article you are commenting on. They lost $151MM in 2022 and $90MM in 2023.

No, district 3 is not Lamborns, that was Ken Buck. Also very little risk of her winning a primary in either district, so we’re almost certainly going to be rid of her.

That’s interesting, I remember reading a post to comp.os.minix about 32 years ago about a Finnish student who made his own OS. It was just a kernel that barely worked. Wish I’d known it was already dominant in the server space for over 8 years, could have gotten a head start!

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Agreed. I’m just looking at the machines that were purchased at the launch of Win 11, but might not have had the proper hardware to transition off 10.

Windows 11 launched in 2021. The bare minimum hardware (8th gen intel) is from 2017. If you were buying 5+ year old hardware in 2021 then that’s on you.

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Chris Hayes did a segment about that very thing a few days ago.

Antihistamine drugs are all sleep medications. The non-drowsy versions just don’t cross the blood-brain barrier and cause less drowsiness.

The problem with using antihistamines as sleep meds is that you build a tolerance fairly quickly, so they work well for occasional use but not in the long-term.

When you pay a lot, the support is a lot better…

It’s a public GitHub repo, there was nothing private about anything there

They offer other options for Microsoft accounts. Using it as a normal TOTP app is the same as any other Authenticator app.

It’s most likely the number matching requirement that the other person doesn’t like, or their employer has a policy that’s annoying.

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UniFi and Edge are different product lines. UniFi uses a controller (local or cloud-based) and edge products are the more traditional interface on the device itself.

The article clearly states that edgerouter is the affected product, which means the default password and remote admin interface were the attack vectors.

Yeah, there are medical dispensaries on every corner it seems. It’s not nearly as conservative as generally portrayed, it’s just that the only people that vote in local elections are the focus on the family crowd so we end up with shit.

Let me get this straight, you don’t believe that the words mean something and claim we can’t know their intent, then when offered additional context provided by some of the people who wrote the words you disagree with you dismiss it out of hand?

What would be a proper source to you then? Or do you prefer to revel in willful ignorance? Because that sounds like a pretty conservative view to me.

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Different tools for different tasks.

NextDNS is also a DNS server. It is a much more robust service but it is not self-hosted.

I use it because it’s insanely easy to use and isn’t limited to my own network. For internal DNS I use PowerDNS with NextDNS upstream. Since I have 6 users and 4 servers (3 of which are VM hosts) I pay for it, but most home users would never need to.

Check it out,

Apples AI is mostly processed on device. That’s why it takes an iPhone 15 pro or an M-series processor. They also claim that what is processed in the cloud is neither identifiable nor stored, just processed. We will know if that’s true (at least what is being sent) as soon as it gets out into the public and we can start picking apart the traffic.

There is no mention of opt-out or not yet, probably because we’re several months away from the actual release. I’m sure we’ll get more information before then.

They’ll have to get a new SAS controller unless the RAID controller has an HBA mode. Running ZFS under a RAID controller is the best way to lose all of your data.

ZFS is wonderful but it takes quite a bit of planning and specialized knowledge to implement properly. Your fear of a failed RAID controller is a bit much, too. I’ve had to deal with a single controller failure in 30 years of IT (and I’ve done warranty work for all of the major OEMs in corporate IT for most of those 30 years)