Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness

Flying to – 144 points –
Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness

This is way up there with the stupidest excuses Trump has ever made:

"Maybe I'm better off losing the debate, I'll make sure he stays. I'll lose the debate on purpose, maybe I'll do something like that," Trump said during an interview with Real America's Voices the day he visited with Congressional Republicans.


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Researchers will be studying Trump and his followers for decades to come. A gold mine of data to help them better understand the mechanisms of authoritarian populism and cognitive dissonance.

As far as root causes go, my money's on lead poisoning and meth.

Don't forget severe developmental harm from parental neglect and abuse, which he passed along to all his offspring

I want the Tiger King type documentary on his presidency. It was absolutely insane day in and day out for years.