Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness

Flying to – 144 points –
Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness

This is way up there with the stupidest excuses Trump has ever made:

"Maybe I'm better off losing the debate, I'll make sure he stays. I'll lose the debate on purpose, maybe I'll do something like that," Trump said during an interview with Real America's Voices the day he visited with Congressional Republicans.


Researchers will be studying Trump and his followers for decades to come. A gold mine of data to help them better understand the mechanisms of authoritarian populism and cognitive dissonance.

As far as root causes go, my money's on lead poisoning and meth.

Don't forget severe developmental harm from parental neglect and abuse, which he passed along to all his offspring

I want the Tiger King type documentary on his presidency. It was absolutely insane day in and day out for years.

This is press control prior to the event. This is so he can say that he didn't lose due only to his own incompetence.

Or so his supporters can say that he didn't lose due only to his own incompetence.

Or that whole Sleepy Biden bullshit, as Trump napped during his fucking trials.

From the guy that also had 'executive time' blocked off many (most? All?) mornings of his presidency, he only wanted to be in front of the cameras. Trump has never worked for what would amount to a full time day in his life I bet.

Amazes me that a grifter who I doubt anyone would truly trust to babysit or even be a manager at a fast food joint gets so much support and offered access to some of the world's most secret Intel.

I always thought I hated career politicians until trump came around. The difference in skill sets between someone who spent a lifetime navigating politics and someone who spent a lifetime conning people is monumental.

I think Trump is just an exceptionally bad politician, not that politicians are exceptionally good. Trump has no empathy and no self control. That's what makes him bad. Biden is boring, but when next to that looks skilled. Somehow some people like Trump though and I really don't get it.

Ah yes. Trump. The guy known for willing to lose something on purpose.

Yeah except he is a person who hates losing and even when he does lose, he says he wins even when it's obvious that he is a loser. The only reason he would ever say this shit is because he knows he is going to lose because he's a massive fucking idiot and a child could beat him in a debate.

Is he gonna show up all slimy like that?

Christ, man, BUY A TOWEL

When you're constantly oozing slime, a towel won't help.

Remember when Rudy's brain started leaking out? I would love it if something like that happened.

I wouldn't put it past Trump to start describing Biden as a "Master Debater". It has the level of intellectual discourse we expect from Donald Trump.

Can we just hand these two dueling sabers already?

I don't think they could even handle toy light sabers.

Instead of a debate, they should compete on one of those Japanese game shows.

Finally a debate worth watching, or at least the super cut off all the mistakes.

But even if one happened to win, there’s a chance that they both die. I’m going to say that their replacements would guarantee an absolute shitshow at this point in the election cycle.

Are we finally seeing a crack in the Trump ego?

not really but he set the bar for biden so low somebody probably reminded him that if biden strings three words together he's gonna seem way better now. so now TFG is trying to set expectations the other way. he literally said "maybe I'll lose on purpose" like a fucking 7 year old.

If I learned anything from Carlsen-Niemann we're going to need to check their butts.