Thanks, Apple

MacN' to Lemmy – 702 points –

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Afaik this is already included in the calculation for the fastest route.

How come it tried to send me to make a left onto a major thoroughfare from a tiny side street rather than the major one with a controlled left arrow (a blessed rarity in my city) a few blocks away? Yeah maybe someone did it and scraped a few seconds off their time because they got lucky with the cross traffic, but someone who doesn't know the area is gonna get tboned.

I used to live in GA, and there was a one-way street that google maps was constantly telling me to turn the wrong direction onto. It really bugs me that I switched to Waze because it was better than google maps, then google just bought them. Long past time to bring antitrust suits against big tech. At least we have an FTC chair at the moment who's trying to make some progress.

I don't want fastest. I want least stressful. No left turns without a traffic light. No really short merges. And if it could find a way to route all the chaotic idiots along some other road, that would be perfect.

Waze likes to pull this sort of dumb shit all the time.

Like yeah, maybe it'd save me a minute or two but I'd rather wait to take a left turn at a protected left turn light than try to cross 3 lanes of opposite traffic from some obscure side street.