AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary to politics – 854 points –
AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary

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And because, having gotten back in power, Dem leadership didn't take it up again as they too are getting rich from the current system.

TBF, after the 2020 election they were faced with issues like budget reconciliation and debt limit (without which nothing would be voted on at all during a government shutdown) as well as reimplementing some of the many regulations taken down by the Trump admin and finally passing a 1.9 Trillion Dollar infrastructure deal alongside a new round of stimulus checks (which the receiving states decided how to use, sadly), and many congressional hearings about corruption of the former administration and federal judges (which ultimately hasn't lead anywhere other than referrals to the DOJ).

So in the 2 year span that they held 48 + 2 senate seats and house majority, they were pretty tied up I would say.

EDIT: Plus, it would've been filibustered anyways.

Same reason Biden is talking about a potential tax on the rich but won't ever be caught talking about repealing the Trump tax raise on the working class that actually happened.

The Trump tax cut expires next year. Biden has promised not to renew it if he's reelected.

Get informed.

Uh huh.

And he didn't repeal it why?

You should probably not be asking smug rhetorical questions when you don't actually understand how the federal government works.

Use a search engine, educate yourself.

It was an act passed by congress and signed by a sitting president. Biden alone doesn't have the authority to change it, and if he did try that then it would be caught up in courts for years.