How have your opinions on media you once enjoyed changed over time? Are there movies or shows you used to find funny but no longer do? to Ask – 88 points –

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Mel Brooks

aged pretty well

Some stuff, yeah, but then you have Blazing Saddles. Woof.

Blazing Saddles is the epitome of Mel Brooks humor that has aged well. It's an amazing satire of racism that is still on point for today (unfortunately).

Huh, I had the opposite reaction. I see your point about satirizing racism, but I couldn't get past the gratuitous n-bombs every other line.

They are everywhere for a reason. The people who commonly drop n-bombs aren't the heroes. Hell, the redemption of the town is that they'll be less racist going forward.

Satirizing requires doing the thing being satirized, in this case racists being racist.

Tell me you don't understand satire without saying you don't understand satire.

If that's what you got from my comment, you really shouldn't be participating in this comment thread. Please leave the conversations for the grownups in the room, thanks.