Automation to Lemmy – 1735 points –

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Yeah, i've for sure become hostile after you attacking me because i dared to talk about something you didn't find interesting on a public forum...

Dude, take the loss and stop talking. There is no both sides to this, you were an asshole to me for no reason and now want to keep talking to evade the shame of having been wrong. I'm sorry, you were wrong. Learn from it and let it go.

I'm fine with being an asshole to you. I actually chose to, because I thought it was funny at the time. And now I think its funny how upset you've gotten over this.

Not sure if you've forgotten but I already conceded you were right: you just wanted to have an honest conversation about something you think is cool, but I think its stupid and I decided it was fun to tell you that. You definitely have nobler intentions and all that, I just simply don't care about your point.

Also feel free to be hostile to me, I'll be fine. I'm not sure what point you are trying to prove here besides "me good person, you bad person".

I'm not going to stop replying, because this is fun for me. Take that for whatever but you don't have to reply if you dislike me so much.

roflmao XD

You projecting you being upset onto me being upset XD. Yeah, i called you out, and now you're trying every troll trick you know to weasel out of it and get the last word :).

And if you like being wrong and want to keep proving to me how wrong and childish you are, sounds like a great time :). Keep replying and keep trying all those troll tricks to not feel like you lost a discussion on the internet, i'm sure it's worth it XD.

I must admit this has become somewhat amusing for me too, seeing which argument you'll try this time to somewhat save face :).

Anything new to add? Are you really going to be upset all day about this?

Ah yes, now i'm thinking about you all day XD. It's totally not me coming onto lemmy, seeing i got a notification and seeing you going another round of embarassing yourself :). But keep it up :). This is funny to see :). You're persistent for sure :).

Last word! :D

Keep going, might end up having to write a little script to automate keeping you busy :).

Well I just figure I'll come back like once a day and check on you.

Hey so why'd you choose racemaniac for your handle anyways? Is it just like generic thing-feeling or is there like some sort of story there maybe?

It's fascinating which angle you'll take on next :).

Keep trying :)

Dang that was a quick reply.

I can't tell if you want to talk or not, seems like you do cause of how eager you were to respond, but then you didnt answer my question :( I just want to have an honest conversation about something I find interesting, why do you gotta make me feel bad?

It’s fascinating which angle you’ll take on next :).

Keep trying :)

I prefer 270° myself, its something about just how gorgeous that set of numbers looks, but also probably how close it looks like pacman about to absolutely chomp down on some ghost ass :)

What's your favorite angle?

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