Biden team worries as Macron’s election gamble looks doomed to World – 63 points –

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Pretty sure Macron worries Biden’s election gamble looks doomed too given what happened Thursday

There is no Biden election gamble. US presidential elections happen every 4 years whether Biden (or any other president) likes it or not.

It’s a Macron election gamble because he actually called the election himself to try to benefit himself. This might turn out to backfire.

Also, just as a clarification, it's not a presidential election but a "legislative" one.

I doubt Biden would do a Sunak/Macron-style move though

I didn't think the American system allowed for early elections?

It doesn’t for the presidency. There’s just a line of succession.

Other positions often have special elections for absences (deaths; resignation), but it’s also wildly inconsistent because the states mostly all do it completely differently.

Speaker of the house is second in line, and when a House member leaves office mid-term, a special election is held. Theoretically, any house rep could resign and a new one elected, that person made speaker, then when the president and VP resign, that person will be acting president. The only limitation is that the house member has to come from a specific district.

You don’t have to be a member of the House to be Speaker.