Georgia's largest newspaper calls for Joe Biden to exit race 'immediately' to – -14 points –
Georgia's largest newspaper calls for Joe Biden to exit race 'immediately'

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution joins the New York Times in calling for President Biden to exit the 2024 race after last week's debate.


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The NYT editorial board is definitely right leaning.

is the new york times a liberal or conservative paper

The New York Times is often perceived as a liberal or progressive newspaper, but its political stance is more complex and nuanced. Here’s a breakdown:

Historical context: The Times was founded as a conservative newspaper in 1851, and it maintained a conservative editorial stance until the early 20th century. However, during the 1960s and 1970s, the paper began to shift towards a more liberal perspective, reflecting the changing values and attitudes of the time.
Editorial board: The New York Times’s editorial board has historically been liberal, but not uniformly so. While it has supported progressive causes, such as women’s suffrage, civil rights, and environmental protection, it has also endorsed conservative candidates and policies on occasion.
Columnists and opinion writers: The Times features a range of opinion writers and columnists, including liberal voices like Paul Krugman, Maureen Dowd, and Charles Blow, as well as conservative voices like Bret Stephens and David Brooks. This diversity of opinion reflects the paper’s commitment to presenting a range of perspectives.
Coverage and reporting: The Times is known for its in-depth reporting and investigative journalism, which often focuses on issues like government corruption, corporate malfeasance, and social justice. While this coverage can be seen as liberal-leaning, it is also driven by a commitment to fact-based reporting and a desire to hold those in power accountable.
Subscriber demographics: According to Vox, The New York Times’s subscribers skew “older, richer, whiter, and more liberal” than the general population of the United States. This may contribute to the perception that the paper is liberal, but it’s essential to note that the paper’s editorial stance is not solely determined by its subscriber demographics.

In conclusion, while The New York Times has a liberal bent, it is not a uniformly liberal or conservative paper. Its editorial stance is shaped by a complex interplay of historical context, editorial board perspectives, and the diverse range of voices and opinions presented in its pages. ----Brave Search

Man, maybe you're getting downvoted hard because you're busy using an AI to do your fucking thinking for you instead of digging up relevant information yourself to prove it.

Nice attempt at sidestepping how often they capitulate to Republican administrations.

I'm getting downvoted because it doesn't fit their narrative. I don't care about that though. It's expected

lmao narrative

Jesus Christ get a grip.

I guess the NYT definitely didn't hype us up for war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Nope, never.

The NYT never breathlessly repeated the accusations of Weapons of Mass Destruction without questioning their sources as to the validity of those claims, yup.

You gotta be fucking shitting me.


The NYT outright admitting they just sold the entire country lies for the Bush admin.

Find something that's less than 20 years old. That's such a dumb argument anyway. 99% of the news agencies in America at that time wanted to go to war. Everyone wanted revenge for what had happened.

An account that echoes right-wing talking points in most of their posts doesn't have room to complain about "narrative"

No, it’s because you structure your points into dog shit. Narrative aside…. Your argument is terribly weak and everyone is far too busy to donate their free time as a pittance to you getting a clue.

Signed - someone with a normal level of perception

Yes it is nuanced. Their editorial board is still right leaning if not on the right.