Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism to – 50 points –
Americans Show Heightened Concern About Antisemitism

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That's literally what this article is about. Antisemitism in America.

But Jews are not causing genocide. Israelis, most of which are Jews, are the ones responsible for the genocide.

Jews in the other 194 countries in the world aren't generally taking part.

Would you say a Chinese person born in Belfast was responsible for the genocide of the Uyghurs? Is a Muslim with Saudi grandparents born in Tokyo responsible for 9/11? Of course not.

Less than half of the world's Jewish population is Israeli.

I'm much more concerned about unchecked Zionism...

And yet that's what the reply was too.

So they added an off-topic whataboutism so they could get up on their soapbox? Lol

I thought you were joking but they've tripled down now

Yes. And then you suggested it was still Jews and not Israelis that are committing genocide, so thank you for proving my point above. It doesn't matter how much I am against Israel or how much work I've done with Jewish Voices for Peace. I have a big nose and curly hair and no foreskin and that's enough.

Where did I say jews are committing genocide?

Its only Israelis and rabid zionists causing the issues but I have a massive problem if you think I'm trying to say the jews are doing it

Okay, if you didn't mean Jews, why did you say this when I talked about American Jews?

Because it sure looks to me like you're saying Jews but not American Jews.

Apparently it's not obvious that includes Jewish people in Americans

Yes, I know you're saying American Jews are not causing genocide.

What you are implying is that Jews who are not American are causing genocide.

Okay now you really are reading into it too far.

Israeli jews are causing genocide with support of some foreign volunteers but that's a negligible %

That may be, but that is not what was said.

What you are implying is that Jews who are not American are causing genocide.

How is this implication is incorrect

Because there are 195 countries, most of them have Jews in them, more Jews live outside of Israel than inside it, so saying that Jews who are not American are causing genocide is blaming a whole fuckload of people who have probably never even been to Israel.

Us and Israel cover about 80-90% of Jews in the world.

I think about 6-7m each