Rioter who stormed Capitol while on bail on an attempted murder charge gets 3 years to politics – 148 points –
Rioter who stormed Capitol while on bail on an attempted murder charge gets 3 years

Matthew Beddingfield, 22, who pleaded guilty to assaulting or impeding officers on Jan. 6, was identified by online sleuths who got a lead with facial recognition.


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aren't you the one who wants the information? why are you demanding others find it for you?

Sure, if I knew what they were searching for and where. You are also making huge assumptions on the search capabilities of the average person. It's better to link to its when making an argument so all parties have access to the information.

Sure, if I knew what they were searching for

you said so yourself in your first comment in this thread:

I believe they are referring to the Georgia Floyd protests, though I’m not aware of any significant sentences related to that.


and where

if you're curious as to what search engine to use, the one mentioned several times in this comment thread (including by you):



You are also making huge assumptions on the search capabilities of the average person.

show me where i made these alleged assumptions. a quote or a link to the comment would do.

It’s better to link to its when making an argument so all parties have access to the information.

please do