Joe Biden say he "almost fell asleep" on debate stage to politics – 0 points –
Joe Biden say he "almost fell asleep" on debate stage

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Biden also reportedly stressed that he was apologetic for his debate performance but told supporters it was "critical" to beat Trump in November. Polling has shown that the candidates are neck and neck, even after Thursday's debate in which Biden's demeanor sparked concern among Democrats.

One of the few things I agree with Biden on...

Beating trump is the most important thing, and Biden looks like he might not be up to it.

He just refuses to step aside, because it's not about beating trump to him, it's about him beating trump.

And it's insane to put it on an 81 year that keeps sundowning.

Aside from stepping aside, which is risky let's all admit - though risky is also staying in - I jokingly, though somewhat firmly believe, that all Biden has to do to see his ratings spike and completely manipulate people is go fucking bananas. Just lean hard into Dark Brandon. Campaign like a motherfucker. Throw out shots left, right, and center. Hop on a couple big stages full energy for two hours.

Basically: All his campaign has to do is twist the narrative. It'd probably work too, though having the idea and accomplishing it are two entirely different monsters. Biden may not be up to acting this piece well enough to sell it. If he did though, I feel he'd come out the other side in a stronger position.

Due to my own biases, I can't think of anyone else who'd be able to go up against a name like Trump. He won't step on anymore debate stages. He won't play fair. Recognition is, I think, very important right now.

Aside from stepping aside, which is risky let’s all admit

The last Dem incumbent with approval similar to Biden's was Jimmy Carter...

Howd his second term go again?

People keep forgetting that Biden is historically unpopular, he's not a normal incumbent, he's one no one wants 4 more years of.

We just don't want 4 more years of trump either.

So the safe bet is running someone Dem voters want.

Recognition is, I think, very important right now.

And every American will know Biden's replacements name in 48 hours of being named...

WHO do voters want?

People keep saying to run someone.


Also, why the fuck do we always start to come together and then find a reason to shit all over ourselves? I'm hard left leaning but like fuck man, it's hard being covered in verbal shit all the time from all the people that seem so intent on arguing against just coming together. The Republicans can do it, and they're fucking imbeciles...

...who keep winning!

WHO do voters want?

Not trump. And not Biden...

People keep acting like Dem voters are asking for a perfect candidate, they're not.

Whitimer is probably the most likely to get tapped and still win, but AOC would make the 2024 election look like a Harlem Globetrotters game. The DNC just won't pick a progressive

Also, why the fuck do we always start to come together and then find a reason to shit all over ourselves?

Because when we "come together" it's always progressives holding their noses, moderates getting exactly what they want, and Dem voters not liking what the moderate did once we put them in power.

Look at Obama, Hillary did the whole PUMA thing, but with a progressive candidate, the moderate wing just isn't fucking needed.

The problem is party leadership are all moderates, and only a tiny slice of Dem voters are.

The DNC does not decide if AOC runs or not, just like they couldn't choose whether Bernie ran or not. Otherwise they would have.

AOC decides if AOC runs.

I don't share your optimism that she would sweep though, I think she'd come across as too young to a lot of voters. I'm hoping she picks up a Senate seat soon, and then runs from that in the future. I think it'll put her in a better position to win.

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I'm not seeing any polls that show them neck and neck. I believe Bidens just all about staying in power. Same with his wife and the others that have been lying to the public about his well-being. I think it's elder abuse.

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