Man busted for carrying Master Sword from Zelda in the street to World – 317 points –
Man jailed for carrying replica sword from Legend of Zelda video game in public

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I'm just reading the article, as you were also able to do, and it says, "On 8 June, officers were made aware via CCTV of a man, Bray, walking down Queens Road, Nuneaton, with the sword in his hand. Bray approached officers with the blade visible, at which point he was arrested." Bold added for emphasis. If I were out in public in the UK, and if I happened to have a bladed implement, I'd keep it out of sight. Especially if there were police anywhere nearby. But hey, you can do as you please. Have a nice day!

The blade was inside a sheath and could be released from the sheath with the press of a button.

And approached could simply be he was intent on walking past them on the sidewalk.

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