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Great analogy and perspective.

It's not that great an analogy because the autobahn isn't still maintained by Nazis.

That's your opinion on what is and isn't a great analogy.

Hopefully the maintainers of the project will be more considerate in the future.

It's not my opinion, it's an objective flaw with the analogy where the comparison doesn't entirely work. It's not a big deal, by their nature analogies tend to be imperfect.

I don't understand the analogy, can you tell me what the deal with the Autobahn is? We don't have an Autobahn where I'm from.

The Autobahn is a very well engineered German highway system. It is well known but was also was constructed during Nazi Germany.

While it was built by evil people, it still is a fantastic highway system that is used today.

Time and place, phneutral. Time and place.

Perhaps I should have posted this link first.

Hitler building the (first) Autobahn is a myth constructed by nazi propaganda. Repeating it is just falling for their lies.

That being said of course it is a very important piece of infrastructure today, but that is due to decades of car industry lobbying and the lack of funding for other transportation and transit infrastructure projects. Especially trains would be able to transport more people and goods faster if build properly.